Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I knew that thought would come back to my head. Thankfully it was not at 1am! If you're reading this post and are confused, go to the previous post (Day 6...woot woot).

Here's the amazing thought I had. Are you ready? I really hope you're sitting on the edge of your seat with excitement over this thought that you're about to be privy to....

Ok, so I've always wanted to speak w/ an "accent." In my head, I can speak w/ any accent I want. Australian, British, Scottish, Irish, Russian, Hispanic, Boston, Chicago, LA (yes, LA peeps have an accent!), etc. In my head though, I probably "speak" best with Southern accent. "Ya'll" Anyways, not to be rude/disrespectful/judgemental/etc. but out of all those accents, I would never want to sound like a "Southerner." I, unfortunately, associate Southern accents w/ dumb people to be completely honest. Just like I associate the British accent w/ smart people. Now, I know, with out a shadow of a doubt, that this statement is not fair. There are some smart Southern people (enter smart person here) and some really dumb British people (ditto). But, no matter what, when I hear a Southern accent, I automatically picture "Larry the Cable Guy" and it makes me want to puke! And even worse, I associate that accent w/ racist attitudes. :-/ I don't understand the people out there who think it's "cool" to be "redneck" or "hick."  Why is that cool? Please, enlighten me.

Ok, that's my thought provoking rant for the evening. Don't you wish that thought would have disappeared from my brain for good??? hehehe

1 comment:

  1. I have the most amazing "accents" in my head too!
    I'm glad you hopped right back on the wagon the other day, losing weight is very hard but it sounds like you have the right mindset to accomplish your goal! Best of luck to you.
