Here it is, Monday morning and I'm finally getting time to write about my weekend. What a weekend it was!
Friday we had an oyster bbq with my parents and some friends. I doubt I've ever had oysters that were this delicious! They were perfect! I had to get home "early" (9:30pm) so I could be sure to get enough sleep for my big day in the morning. Yeah right! I got home early, but do you think I could sleep? No way! I don't think I actually fell asleep until 3am! Ugh...I was just too excited and anxious!
Saturday - 6:30 am - my alarm goes off. Up and at 'em. Breakfast, check. Running shoes, check. Teeth brushed, check. We ended up getting to the high school we had to hang around for a bit. There were so many familiar faces there. Old high school classmates mostly. It was fun to see everyone. What a perfect morning for the Shuck 'N Run 5k. Cloudy, no rain, cool, but not cold. Perfect!
My goal for the 5k was to jog the whole way. I had yet to do 3.2 miles of continuous jogging. The most I'd done was 2.75 miles. On a track. Running on a track is completely different from running on concrete. No shock absorption. Plus, a track is flat. Roads change in elevation. It's a completely different ball game. But I was ready for it! I was excited!
There were 101 people who ran/walked the 5k this year. It was exciting to see the levels of experience and different age groups and even the different levels of intensity. Some people were there to WIN! Others were there to have fun. There were old people and kids. Professional runners and beginners. It was a perfect mix of people.
The run started and we were off. Getting to mile 2 was fine. No worries. After was a mind game. My body wanted me to walk for just a bit but my mind kept telling me, "No, we're almost done! Keep going!" When I got near the point where I could see the finish line, I started tearing up. I couldn't cry or else I'd run out of breath, but I had tears running down my face. I couldn't help it. I was so proud of myself for DOING it!!! Once I got close to the finish line, I heard the screams and claps. I didn't know who they were cheering on, but it was exciting to hear. Then, I noticed it was MY FAMILY and FRIENDS there cheering ME on!!! They surprised me. I had no idea they were going to be there in full force! My mom and dad, hubby and kids (I knew they'd be there), sister and her kids, best friend and her baby...what a fan club! :-)
Once I crossed the finish line, I didn't collapse in exhaustion (like I thought I would have); I felt GREAT! Exhilarated! Rushed! I told my dad, "I think I caught the fever!" I cannot WAIT to run more, get better and a little faster. I definitely won't rush it. I may have finished towards the end of the pack (#96th out of 101 - hehehe) but seriously, I don't care! I FINISHED!!! I, Janeen, did a 5k and couldn't be more proud of myself! And it only took me 43 minutes. :-)
My blog is about me, eating healthy, losing some weight & inches, and learning as I go. Please allow me to vent, giggle, roll my eyes and pat my back all while, hopefully, entertaining you and maybe even inspiring you to start your own journey!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
What a day...
Wow, today is Thursday....well, it's almost over...and I couldn't be happier! What a DAY!!!
I had two houses to clean (not including my own...but that's a whole different story), lots of driving around...and a horrible, HORRIBLE accident. Let me explain:
My first house of the day is for my favorite elderly couple. They are in their mid 80's and are just darling. They have me come and clean for them once a month. My second house is a brand new client! YAY!!! I was just about finished with the house when I decided to clean the window behind the kitchen sink. I couldn't quite reach, so I hopped up on the counter to get a little closer. Well, imagine this: my "womanly" frame, "hopping" (pssha) up on to the counter...and then slipping! Do not ask me how I slipped...I have NO clue...but my hand came out from under me and down I went...right into the sink! Only to freakin' BREAK the freakin' faucet!!!! Yes, you read that right: I broke the kitchen faucet! Now, have you ever done this? If not, let me tell you what happens when someone breaks the faucet of a sink: WATER....SPRAYS........EVERYWHERE!!!!!! There was a straight up STREAM of water zooming it's way across the freshly cleaned house! "OMG!!! What I am going to do!!!???" Luckily, I still had the *Norwex Enviro cloth* I was using to clean the window with in my hand. I clamped that down over the open faucet and threw open the cabinet to get to the water line. Thank God I could reach it...just barely! "Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey." was running through my head...why won't it turn off??? "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey!" I was going the wrong way!!! After what felt like 20 minutes (which was probably more like 1 minute) the water was off. I was SOAKED, the kitchen was SOAKED...SHIT! This is my FIRST time cleaning this house!!! Are you FREAKING kidding me!?!? So, what do I do in situations like this? Yep, you guessed it...."Hey Dad, I have a TINY little problem!" (Hum the super-hero theme song of your choice here) Thank GOD for amazing Dad's who will STILL come to the rescue of their 30 year old, grown ass woman of a daughter! :-)
After realizing that, yes, the faucet really is broken and he can't fix it, Dad offers to go buy a new one and replace it. By this time, I've gotten ahold of the homeowner and told her what happened. Now let me just say this: once again, THANK GOD for kind and understanding people! Her first response was, "Are you hurt?" then she proceeded to tell me that it's really ok, they are going to replace it anyways. I was extremely embarrassed and it took all my strength to not cry. I am so thankful that there are people out there who are kind and understanding. She could have yelled, freaked out and Lord knows what else...yet her main concern was me. Was I ok? Yes, I am fine...besides the bruised ego. So here's my lesson for the day: think about it before freaking out over something. Is it REALLY worth it? Does that person already feel terrible enough as it is? Most likely, yes.
On to other news: jogging! My first 5k is coming up this Saturday (eeeekkkk!) and I'm really excited! A little nervous, but really excited! Tuesday, I jogged down to the bookstore to bake. Jogging downhill is TOUGH! Let along jogging on cement after previously jogging on a rubber track. HUGE difference! My body was pretty sore the next day. Tonight, after my stressful day and an EXTREMELY cranky, whiny, tired, grumpy, teething boy, I decided to "treat" myself to a jog. Oh yes! From my house to the corner of John's Prairie and Brockdale. Pretty good click if you ask me. :-)
Now, I must go to the store. Addy has decided that she wants ham and cheese for tomorrow's lunch...and we have no ham! :-)
Hoping you all have a fantastic Friday!!!!
I had two houses to clean (not including my own...but that's a whole different story), lots of driving around...and a horrible, HORRIBLE accident. Let me explain:
My first house of the day is for my favorite elderly couple. They are in their mid 80's and are just darling. They have me come and clean for them once a month. My second house is a brand new client! YAY!!! I was just about finished with the house when I decided to clean the window behind the kitchen sink. I couldn't quite reach, so I hopped up on the counter to get a little closer. Well, imagine this: my "womanly" frame, "hopping" (pssha) up on to the counter...and then slipping! Do not ask me how I slipped...I have NO clue...but my hand came out from under me and down I went...right into the sink! Only to freakin' BREAK the freakin' faucet!!!! Yes, you read that right: I broke the kitchen faucet! Now, have you ever done this? If not, let me tell you what happens when someone breaks the faucet of a sink: WATER....SPRAYS........EVERYWHERE!!!!!! There was a straight up STREAM of water zooming it's way across the freshly cleaned house! "OMG!!! What I am going to do!!!???" Luckily, I still had the *Norwex Enviro cloth* I was using to clean the window with in my hand. I clamped that down over the open faucet and threw open the cabinet to get to the water line. Thank God I could reach it...just barely! "Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey." was running through my head...why won't it turn off??? "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey!" I was going the wrong way!!! After what felt like 20 minutes (which was probably more like 1 minute) the water was off. I was SOAKED, the kitchen was SOAKED...SHIT! This is my FIRST time cleaning this house!!! Are you FREAKING kidding me!?!? So, what do I do in situations like this? Yep, you guessed it...."Hey Dad, I have a TINY little problem!" (Hum the super-hero theme song of your choice here) Thank GOD for amazing Dad's who will STILL come to the rescue of their 30 year old, grown ass woman of a daughter! :-)
After realizing that, yes, the faucet really is broken and he can't fix it, Dad offers to go buy a new one and replace it. By this time, I've gotten ahold of the homeowner and told her what happened. Now let me just say this: once again, THANK GOD for kind and understanding people! Her first response was, "Are you hurt?" then she proceeded to tell me that it's really ok, they are going to replace it anyways. I was extremely embarrassed and it took all my strength to not cry. I am so thankful that there are people out there who are kind and understanding. She could have yelled, freaked out and Lord knows what else...yet her main concern was me. Was I ok? Yes, I am fine...besides the bruised ego. So here's my lesson for the day: think about it before freaking out over something. Is it REALLY worth it? Does that person already feel terrible enough as it is? Most likely, yes.
On to other news: jogging! My first 5k is coming up this Saturday (eeeekkkk!) and I'm really excited! A little nervous, but really excited! Tuesday, I jogged down to the bookstore to bake. Jogging downhill is TOUGH! Let along jogging on cement after previously jogging on a rubber track. HUGE difference! My body was pretty sore the next day. Tonight, after my stressful day and an EXTREMELY cranky, whiny, tired, grumpy, teething boy, I decided to "treat" myself to a jog. Oh yes! From my house to the corner of John's Prairie and Brockdale. Pretty good click if you ask me. :-)
Now, I must go to the store. Addy has decided that she wants ham and cheese for tomorrow's lunch...and we have no ham! :-)
Hoping you all have a fantastic Friday!!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The number of the day is....
2.5 you say? What is so great about 2.5? Well let me tell you! It's how many miles I jogged this morning!!!! Yes!!! I am so proud of myself! It only took me 39 minutes too. hahaha Yes, that may seem like a slow pace, but guess what, I'M JOGGING!!!!! 2.5 miles to be exact!!! I have a little over two weeks to build up to a 5k (3.1 miles) and I'm right on track. I can't wait!
I don't have much time this morning. Have lots of running around to do. House cleaning (for pay), grocery shopping, laundry (I despise laundry!), and house cleaning (for free) are quietly eating their oatmeal (with frozen raspberries and cinnamon; it's REALLY quiet!). Time to get them movin' so I can take them to my sister. I just had to take a moment to update you all on my progress.
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!
More soon.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thoughts for today
Well, my baby girl started preschool today. Wow! I am amazed that the time is going so quickly. Before I know it, she'll be graduating from high school!
The magic of getting dressed up and feeling good is this: SPANX! Spanx are my lifeline to feeling "good" wearing clothes. I really should buy stock in them. :-) If you've never worn Spanx and have some "jiggle," I HIGHLY recommend that you try them!!!! They'll change your life. :-)
So, I had an amazing phone conversation with a friend today. I'm not going to divulge what we spoke about, but I will say this: I love her and she totally made my day/week/month/year! I cannot WAIT for her name be recognized on a national level. She is amazing, strong, inspirational, loving, beautiful. I've mentioned her before and for those of you who haven't read her story, please go check it out. Do not let the title scare you off. If you like my sense of humor, you'll LOVE this gal! Someday, sooner rather than later, we'll all know her name and know her story. Amber's blog
On another note, I'm signing up for my first 5k!!!! Oysterfest is coming up quick and they do the Shuck 'n Run and I cannot wait to participate!!! My goal: to finish! haha I'm going to keep pushing away and just do it. Can't WAIT!!! I have a couple people I know who are doing the "race" and it'll be fun to see them all on the day. Then, we'll have to go to Oysterfest and refuel on seafood! mmmm
That's all for now. More soon! Love to you all...oh and hey, not to toot my own horn or anything...but my 30th birthday is on Sunday! Woohoooooo! :-)
She was so excited to go and didn't even get the least bit upset when I told her I was leaving. She said, "Ok, bye!" and continued playing. No biggy! :-)
This morning was jog #3 for me and it just keeps getting better and better! The first time was 4 laps, second time 5 laps, this time, SIX LAPS!!! Without stopping! Me! I can totally see how people get addicted to running. I've always wanted to be a "runner." Yet, I've always HATED "running." But I'm thinking the reason I "hated" to run was because I never gave myself the chance to "learn" to love it. I would rush it and then get discouraged if I couldn't do it long enough or good enough....or my body would hurt. I've really been concentrating on jogging correctly and not over-doing it. I'm really afraid of hurting myself and quitting. But I want to push myself hard to get better...what a cycle! So far, so good though.
We went to a wedding this weekend for our nephew and our new niece (that's really strange to say as they're my age! haha). What a fun time! I even got to wear a new dress and felt wonderful wearing it!
The magic of getting dressed up and feeling good is this: SPANX! Spanx are my lifeline to feeling "good" wearing clothes. I really should buy stock in them. :-) If you've never worn Spanx and have some "jiggle," I HIGHLY recommend that you try them!!!! They'll change your life. :-)
So, I had an amazing phone conversation with a friend today. I'm not going to divulge what we spoke about, but I will say this: I love her and she totally made my day/week/month/year! I cannot WAIT for her name be recognized on a national level. She is amazing, strong, inspirational, loving, beautiful. I've mentioned her before and for those of you who haven't read her story, please go check it out. Do not let the title scare you off. If you like my sense of humor, you'll LOVE this gal! Someday, sooner rather than later, we'll all know her name and know her story. Amber's blog
On another note, I'm signing up for my first 5k!!!! Oysterfest is coming up quick and they do the Shuck 'n Run and I cannot wait to participate!!! My goal: to finish! haha I'm going to keep pushing away and just do it. Can't WAIT!!! I have a couple people I know who are doing the "race" and it'll be fun to see them all on the day. Then, we'll have to go to Oysterfest and refuel on seafood! mmmm
That's all for now. More soon! Love to you all...oh and hey, not to toot my own horn or anything...but my 30th birthday is on Sunday! Woohoooooo! :-)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
5:15 am came way too early this morning! I was NOT wanting to get out of bed, but I did. I stumbled through the bedroom to get my workout clothes. Rubbed my eyes to awaken them. Got my water bottle filled. The only thing I wanted to do was to crawl back into bed. But, I had other plans that I couldn't break.
The track. To me, the track is a place of fear and disappointment. The track is not made for people "like me." It was still dark and a little chilly. I prayed, "God, please let me have the strength and desire to jog. Just one lap! Please give me the drive to finish." I started off, mind you, really slow. I wasn't exaggerating yesterday when I spoke of being a penguin. Half way through, my head tells me, "Yes, half way there. Almost through." My body feels good. Then, to my utter surprise, the "finish" line is right there! OMG! I just jogged the entire track!!! WHAT? I literally jumped for joy!!! Ok, I'm not done. I can keep going....and keep going I did. 4 laps total...then a couple minutes walking, then more jogging. Oh yes...32 minutes of mostly jogging around the track that has "defeated" me since 8th grade. No more! I am completely elated. My body is pretty sore. I definitely need new shoes. But the sore legs will only get stronger. Tomorrow will be a walk only day, but Friday, I'll be back (Schwarzenegger style).
I just have to say this and please don't read to much into it. If you get offended, that's not my problem. This jog today, yes, I did it! I did the actual work. I believe that God was my support through it. And last but definitely not least, my good friend Amber was the inspiration behind this. And for this, I will sign out by saying loud and proud:
I LOVE COCK! (Amber's Blog)
The track. To me, the track is a place of fear and disappointment. The track is not made for people "like me." It was still dark and a little chilly. I prayed, "God, please let me have the strength and desire to jog. Just one lap! Please give me the drive to finish." I started off, mind you, really slow. I wasn't exaggerating yesterday when I spoke of being a penguin. Half way through, my head tells me, "Yes, half way there. Almost through." My body feels good. Then, to my utter surprise, the "finish" line is right there! OMG! I just jogged the entire track!!! WHAT? I literally jumped for joy!!! Ok, I'm not done. I can keep going....and keep going I did. 4 laps total...then a couple minutes walking, then more jogging. Oh yes...32 minutes of mostly jogging around the track that has "defeated" me since 8th grade. No more! I am completely elated. My body is pretty sore. I definitely need new shoes. But the sore legs will only get stronger. Tomorrow will be a walk only day, but Friday, I'll be back (Schwarzenegger style).
I just have to say this and please don't read to much into it. If you get offended, that's not my problem. This jog today, yes, I did it! I did the actual work. I believe that God was my support through it. And last but definitely not least, my good friend Amber was the inspiration behind this. And for this, I will sign out by saying loud and proud:
I LOVE COCK! (Amber's Blog)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
"Walk This Wayyy!"
I love that I can "usually" come up with a theme song for whatever it is I want to talk/rant/blab about. Usually, it's fitting, other times, it's just silly. But whatever. I love music! I may not know the title, the artist, the year it came out, or even the correct words. To me, music is powerful. My husband (he shall remain un-named) LOVES to listen to hard rock (Disturbed anyone?). He's so funny when he hears a crazy, scary song come on. His whole persona changes. He gets this crazy look in his eyes and he snarls his lip. He starts to rock his body and shake his head...and then he starts to "sing." The worst part about "un-named" is when he hears that "music" he changes. He's normally happy-go-lucky but when that stuff comes on...he's angry. Not at anyone/anything in particular, just angry, snappy, short. Needless to say, we don't listen to THAT kind of music in the house. Once, while up in P.A. for a men's slow pitch tournament, we were at a bar, when "un-named" decided it was time to play some "Disturbed." It was amazing what happened next: the crowd started visually changing. I swear, you'd have thought all the "men" got hit up with a shot of testosterone and they all started snarling at each other and wanting to fight. I'm not joking. One minute, totally happy, clapping each other on the backs after a long, hard day of softball and the next, wanting to scrap like dogs. Like I said, music is powerful. Have you ever heard a song that sends chills up your spine? Or goosebumps down your arms? I love that!!!
Ok, I have NO clue where that all came from...but onto another topic: running.
Ok, running, to me, is hell. I've NEVER liked running, but have always wanted to LOVE it. I have huge boobs so running will probably never be "pleasant." My girlfriend Gretchen and I are going to sign up for a half marathon in May. My "niece" and her husband are doing it and told me about it and I thought, "hey, it scares the crap outta me, so let's do it!" So guess what? Gretchen and I are hopping in the car at 5:30am tomorrow morning and going to the track to start jogging. I was just reading something about people learning to jog/run. They called slow runners "penguins." hehe I find that endearing. I'd totally rather be a "penguin" than a "slogger." (slow jogger) LOL So, I'm sure I'll fill you all in tomorrow sometime on how our first day of being a penguin went. :-)
Just got home for a nice 3 mile walk with the family. What a beautiful evening we had to be outside. Perfect!
Ok, I have NO clue where that all came from...but onto another topic: running.
Ok, running, to me, is hell. I've NEVER liked running, but have always wanted to LOVE it. I have huge boobs so running will probably never be "pleasant." My girlfriend Gretchen and I are going to sign up for a half marathon in May. My "niece" and her husband are doing it and told me about it and I thought, "hey, it scares the crap outta me, so let's do it!" So guess what? Gretchen and I are hopping in the car at 5:30am tomorrow morning and going to the track to start jogging. I was just reading something about people learning to jog/run. They called slow runners "penguins." hehe I find that endearing. I'd totally rather be a "penguin" than a "slogger." (slow jogger) LOL So, I'm sure I'll fill you all in tomorrow sometime on how our first day of being a penguin went. :-)
Just got home for a nice 3 mile walk with the family. What a beautiful evening we had to be outside. Perfect!
Friday, September 2, 2011
My shins hurt! I need to learn out to walk correctly to keep this from happening. It's not so bad as to make me not want to walk...but they get pretty sore if I'm not up and moving. Oh well, it'll pass.
My girlfriend Gretchen came over at 5:30 am this morning for our hour long walk. It was fantastic! Still dark, foggy, cool...totally felt like fall! I can't believe it's almost that time of year again! Tomorrow is Saturday and we're going to walk again at 6 am. We both have really busy days and that's the best time for the both of us. Thank goodness for good friends!!!!
Went shopping today. Thank you Macy's for having GREAT sales on really cute clothes for us big girls! I got a REALLY cute outfit and I can't wait to wear it for tomorrow's bachellorette party in Sea-town! :-)
Had carne asada for dinner tonight...spicy but yummy!!!
I really don't have anything "interesting" to add right now. I'm really tired and kind of out of it. I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories from this coming weekend to until then, adios!
PS: What will you do tomorrow to better you own life?
My girlfriend Gretchen came over at 5:30 am this morning for our hour long walk. It was fantastic! Still dark, foggy, cool...totally felt like fall! I can't believe it's almost that time of year again! Tomorrow is Saturday and we're going to walk again at 6 am. We both have really busy days and that's the best time for the both of us. Thank goodness for good friends!!!!
Went shopping today. Thank you Macy's for having GREAT sales on really cute clothes for us big girls! I got a REALLY cute outfit and I can't wait to wear it for tomorrow's bachellorette party in Sea-town! :-)
Had carne asada for dinner tonight...spicy but yummy!!!
I really don't have anything "interesting" to add right now. I'm really tired and kind of out of it. I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories from this coming weekend to until then, adios!
PS: What will you do tomorrow to better you own life?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
"Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy...."
This is my jam! (Make sure your volume is ON! and please have the music playing while reading :-)
Yes! Day one of "Operation: Get my A$$ movin'" has been a success. I woke up at 5:30am, got dressed, ate some cereal, did a little bit of work, then went for a walk with a girlfriend. 4 miles in one hour = not too shabby!
It's amazing how much a person can get accomplished in one day when you wake up and the first thing you do is go for a walk. Your exercise is done for the day. You can take a shower and be ready to go by 7:30am. Wonderful!
As I posted last night, I did go for a walk down to the bookstore. Wednesday nights are my cleaning night. I don't know exactly how far of a walk it is, but it's going down a rather long hill and coming back up that said hill on the way home. It's a fantastic walk. I just wish I had my dog with me. Not that I don't feel "safe"...I would just feel "safer" having Casey boy by my side.
Yes! Day one of "Operation: Get my A$$ movin'" has been a success. I woke up at 5:30am, got dressed, ate some cereal, did a little bit of work, then went for a walk with a girlfriend. 4 miles in one hour = not too shabby!
It's amazing how much a person can get accomplished in one day when you wake up and the first thing you do is go for a walk. Your exercise is done for the day. You can take a shower and be ready to go by 7:30am. Wonderful!
As I posted last night, I did go for a walk down to the bookstore. Wednesday nights are my cleaning night. I don't know exactly how far of a walk it is, but it's going down a rather long hill and coming back up that said hill on the way home. It's a fantastic walk. I just wish I had my dog with me. Not that I don't feel "safe"...I would just feel "safer" having Casey boy by my side.
He's such a good boy!
I am so thankful to all of my friends who took the time to read my blog and send me words of encouragement. They really all mean a lot to me!
Last night's post was really rather whiny and I'd like to clarify some things: I KNOW that I am not the only one who has these "issues." I know there are many people out there who feel the same as I do. I also know that a lot of people choose to whine about being "fat" (whether that be 5 lbs overweight or 300 lbs) and they will continue to whine and not do anything to better themselves. I will NEVER be a size 2 or 4 or 6 or whatever. The only thing I want for myself is to be healthy in this body that I have. Right now, I am not healthy. The extra weight I have on my body is hurting me. Physically and emotionally. I've always been a "strong" woman and am fairly confident in myself. But I've noticed over the past few years, I hide from the camera because I'm mortified of what I will see. When I look at myself in the mirror, I can think, "Ok, I look good today." but if I see a picture of myself right then and there, I'm humiliated. I really have some body dis-morphia. I see myself as being "thinner" than what I really am. I'm not asking for you to feel sorry for me. The only thing I'm asking you for is to support me and cheer me on. Also, what can YOU do today to make your life better? Walk up those stairs? Take a 10 minute walk? Park in the farthest stall at the grocery store and walk? There are so many "little" things that can add up to so much more.
That's enough for today...
As a side note: I need to finally breakdown and get an I-pod....I need the musical accompaniment for my walks. :-)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Knock, knock
Who's there? Oh, hey, it's me, Janeen! Remember me? The fat girl on a mission to be healthy and make you laugh all at the same time? Yes, this is me. I'm still fat. I am almost ashamed to admit that I'm back to my original weight from when I started this blog however many months ago. I really makes me sad that I "stopped" doing what was working so well for me. Why did I do this? I could give you every excuse in the book: "I was sick." "Phil's work schedule changed so I can't make it to the gym." "It's too hot." "It's raining." "My kids are sick." But in all honesty, my only excuse is me. For whatever reason, I quit. I quit going to the gym (mind you, I'm still paying the fees). I quit eating healthy (sometimes). I quit going for walks. I quit! I QUIT!
I'm sitting here sweating. Not because I just got done working out, but because I'm really nervous to type these words out. I feel like I'm letting all my friends and family down. I KNOW I've let myself down. But, the only thing I can really do about it is get off my fat ass and get moving. Once Phil gets home, I'm walking down to do my cleaning of the bookstore. Tomorrow morning, I'm getting up at 6 am to go for a walk before Phil goes to work. I can have any excuse I want to NOT do something...but what is my excuse for making the excuse? I'll spell it out for you: L-A-Z-Y and probably some fear that is deep seeded in me. Maybe I need some counseling sessions. Anyone know of a good therapist? I'm not joking...if you know someone in our area, let me know (send me an email to .
I need to know why I don't hold myself accountable. Why do I get all excited about something for 2 weeks and then stop. I do this all the time! I don't WANT to be fat, yet I'll eat a whole bag of chips. I know what I need to do to be healthy, but I don't use that knowledge to the best of my ability. I am funny, smart, outgoing, friendly, loving and beautiful, but why do I continue to treat my body this way? One of these days, I'm going to get brave enough to post some horrible pictures of myself. Maybe, just maybe that'll be the day that I really, truly will make the changes so that I will NEVER look like that again. Would you still love me if you saw what was hiding under my clothes? No, not my private areas, but my stomach? My gut? My saggy thighs? My jiggly arms? My back fat rolls? I sure hope so. But what can you do to help me? Nothing. There is nothing that YOU can do to help ME. Only I can do this. The only thing I need from YOU is unconditional support of ME.
I'm done for now...but I'll be back tomorrow. I will write everyday this week to tell you how I'm doing. Will you hold me accountable?
I'm sitting here sweating. Not because I just got done working out, but because I'm really nervous to type these words out. I feel like I'm letting all my friends and family down. I KNOW I've let myself down. But, the only thing I can really do about it is get off my fat ass and get moving. Once Phil gets home, I'm walking down to do my cleaning of the bookstore. Tomorrow morning, I'm getting up at 6 am to go for a walk before Phil goes to work. I can have any excuse I want to NOT do something...but what is my excuse for making the excuse? I'll spell it out for you: L-A-Z-Y and probably some fear that is deep seeded in me. Maybe I need some counseling sessions. Anyone know of a good therapist? I'm not joking...if you know someone in our area, let me know (send me an email to .
I need to know why I don't hold myself accountable. Why do I get all excited about something for 2 weeks and then stop. I do this all the time! I don't WANT to be fat, yet I'll eat a whole bag of chips. I know what I need to do to be healthy, but I don't use that knowledge to the best of my ability. I am funny, smart, outgoing, friendly, loving and beautiful, but why do I continue to treat my body this way? One of these days, I'm going to get brave enough to post some horrible pictures of myself. Maybe, just maybe that'll be the day that I really, truly will make the changes so that I will NEVER look like that again. Would you still love me if you saw what was hiding under my clothes? No, not my private areas, but my stomach? My gut? My saggy thighs? My jiggly arms? My back fat rolls? I sure hope so. But what can you do to help me? Nothing. There is nothing that YOU can do to help ME. Only I can do this. The only thing I need from YOU is unconditional support of ME.
I'm done for now...but I'll be back tomorrow. I will write everyday this week to tell you how I'm doing. Will you hold me accountable?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Vacation....let's try this again...
I sat here last night for almost 2 hours typing out this hilarious account of our week long vacation only to have it dumped by my computer. Now that is the epitome of crappy timing! Needless to say, I was REALLY pissed and quit...and went to bed. So, here I am again, to tell you of our time in Lake Chelan...let's see if I can get this as good as I had it last night. :-)
Last Monday, the kids and I left our home and headed East to Lake Chelan. My parents were already there and my sister's were going to join us later in the week. We are so blessed to have friends (the Ireland's) who live over there and while they're on vacation, we go and stay at their house and take care of the farm. They have horses, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dogs, cats, pigeons and pigs.
When I think of Lake Chelan I think of sun, swimming, hot, cherries, fun and relaxation. This past trip held all those thoughts, plus the additions of: rain, cold, wind, crazy, WTF & LOL! Let me explain. Better get your reading caps on...this is going to be a long one. :-)
Day 1 - Monday: We arrived in the afternoon and had to get ready because we were having an "impromptu" dinner with the family. When I say family, I mean, my family plus the Libbey/Thompson/Barnes group. These are the family/friends of the Ireland's who welcome us with open arms every time we come for a visit. While taking a break from getting ready for dinner, we were sitting on the front porch. This front porch is amazing. You can see it in the first picture. My dad and Warren built it a couple years back and it's the perfect place for sitting outside. We had one of the kittens with us and the dogs (there were 8) started to swarm us because they wanted to play with the cat. Ross was just about to get knocked off the porch when one of the pups fell off instead. We hear the pup screaming! It's a pretty good drop to the ground. My dad jumps down there and the puppy is just screaming and tries to run away but it can't. The poor thing broke it's front "ankle" It immediately swelled up and the pup could not bear any weight on it. GREAT! What a fantastic way to start our vacation. Once we have her settled in the kennel, it's time to eat.
And eat we did! We had pan fried oysters, bacon wrapped oysters, steamer clams and a table full of salads. Now remember, this in a "impromptu" feast. Just a few hours notice and all this food came together and we had a great time. Can you imagine what a "scheduled" feast would entail? Keep reading...
Day 2- Tuesday: Tuesday, it's raining. Seriously? It's summer people! Summer in Eastern Washington is supposed to be hot and dry. We had thought about going to Leavenworth for the day, but changed our minds as the rain was coming down in sheets. We stayed home and relaxed and had a quiet day. I LOVE to read. I always have. I brought a couple of books with me but nothing was really keeping my interest. I know Heather likes to read too, so I started scanning her library. I stumbled up on the book, "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and thank goodness I did! I read the first chapter and was hooked. It is the first in a trilogy, but I noticed the other books were not at the house. I hopped in my car, drove down to the bookstore and bought the whole set! Then I read....and read....and read! I couldn't get enough. Matter of fact, as I sit here typing, I want to hurry up and finish so I can go out and read some more of the 3rd and final book! :-) My dad and I decided to go for a hike up through the orchards. We had a few of the dogs following us but by the end of the walk, only Whidbey, the ball crazed Chocolate Lab remained. All the others took off for home on some shortcut. When we got back to the house, all the dogs were waiting for us on the deck. And that's when we saw it: the blond pup....seen here:
took a short cut alright: through the barbed wire fence! He had a gash on his front shoulder with a flap of bloody skin hanging loose. Ugh! Every time he would run, he would stop to chew/lick that spot because it was flapping against his body. Sorry, I know that's gross, but it was also kind of funny to watch. So, for those of you keeping track: this is day 2 and we have 2 animals hurt. This is not a good way to start our vacation where we are supposed to be "taking care" of the farm. :-/
Day 3 - Wednesday: The weather is nice again! Yay! We decide to make the drive up to Winthrop.
Winthrop is an old mining town about an hour and half North of Chelan. It's such a cool place to visit, but I think my favorite thing about it is: Addy calls it "Win-throw-up!" So funny! We have a nice time there walking around, shopping, and having lunch. When we get back to Chelan we head to the lake. We weren't able to stay long because it was almost dinner time, but we were there long enough to have Addy jump in. She wasn't thrilled:
But, she did it then got out and played in the kiddy pool afterwards. After dinner that night, my mom and I took the kids on a walk. The weather was perfect!
On our way back to the house, I told Baylee and Addy to run to the chicken coop to get the scrap bucket we had left out. I stopped to take a picture of this pretty weed/flower...
...when I heard the screams! I see Baylee and Addy running away and screaming with tears running down their faces. There was a dog attacking a turkey right next to them! SHIT! I run over there, grab the scrap bucket (metal) and start swinging at the dog. She finally let's the turkey go, but I figure it's too late. But, thankfully, it wasn't! The turkey was still alive!!! But the dumb thing wasn't moving! That's when I noticed it's broken wing. Great! Another animal hurt. What is going on in this place??? My mom comes over and picks up the turkey and puts her back into the coop. Yes, my mom did it. There is no way in hell I'd pick up a turkey. They freak my freakin' freak! Anyways, ok, so Day 3 = 3 hurt animals. No bueno! But hey, at least the turkey is still a viable specimen for Thanksgiving. They'll just be short a wing. :-) (Thank you, thank you....I'll take a bow).
Day 4 - Thursday: My sister's are coming! And it's the day of the "scheduled" feast of BBQ'd oysters at the Libbey house! Yayyyyy!!!! Oh and guess what? Day 4 means...if we're going at the same rate we've been going...another animal is about to get hurt. Is this totally morbid thinking? You're damn skippy it is. But hey, you can't make this stuff up! My dad went out to do something and noticed (hold your breath) a carcass in the field. What kind of carcass you ask? The damn, freakin' stupid TURKEY!!! AHHHH!!! For whatever reason, she thought, "Ok, since the dog let me go last time, maybe I'll go out of the coop again and everything will be just fine!" Right! So, the dog tore her to shreds. Well, no more "minus 1 wing" Thanksgiving turkey this year! That night, we feast on oysters again. Only this time, their barbecued. If you've never head BBQ'd have GOT to try them. They are they only way I'll eat them!
They are amazing!!!
Day 5 - Friday: Slide Waters here we come! Chelan's one and only water slide park. What a blast we have there! The Downhill Racer is one of my faves. On my 2nd trip, the upper lifeguard was telling us how you can splash the lower lifeguard on your way down (this is a giant slide like the one they have at the fair where you slide down on gunny sacks? Only this on is with water and a floppy boogie board). I told my sister I was going to try and soak the lifeguard. So we're speeding down the slide and I go in for the tilt, but as I'm concentrating on remembering what the upper lifeguard told me, I forget to drag my feet to slow myself down. Before I know it, SMASH! CRACK! BOOM! I'm up and over the ledge and onto the deck. Ok, go ahead and laugh. I was laughing, but not because it felt good to do this. No. I was laughing at the fact that I totally could imagine what other people saw! OMG! Thank GOD this did not get captured on video! My body is still sore from that tumble but it is pretty funny to think about. After we got back, I was sitting in the yard, catching some rays when the turkey killer decides to change her M.O. and go after a duck. I run, barefoot, through the grass and manage to pry the duck from the dog. Once again, the duck has a broken wing. Are you FREAKIN' kidding me!? When will this end? Are we being punished for something??? After dinner, the turkey killer/duck wing breaker is now back to being a killer! Of CHICKENS!!!! This cannot be happening! The poor little brown clucker, who was just minding her own business, pecking at some worms, gets demolished by the dog. Needless to say, we've had enough and she gets put in the kennel.
Day 6 - Saturday: It's hot! FINALLY!!! Time to leave...and go to the lake. We went to Manson Bay Park. What a perfect place to swim!
The kids enjoyed it (even if they were shivering and had purple lips) and it felt good to be in the water. Pretty uneventful day. We were just about to sit down to watch a movie when my mom went out on the porch to check the dogs. She noticed one of the dogs "humping" another dog who was laying in the kennel. But then she took a second look and noticed something wasn't right. She told us to come out. The poor Chocolate Lab mama (Kia) was having a seizure! She was foaming at the mouth, her body was almost rigid and she was breathing so fast and heavy I was sure she was going to have a heart attack and die. All we could do was keep her in the kennel and I sat by her head and talked to her. It was horrifying! We called Warren to see if this was "normal" for her to experience seizures and thankfully, it was. Watching Kia go through this brought back bad memories of our puppy Shelby having a seizure over a year ago. I'm kind of glad I had seen Shelby go through that so that I knew Kia was going to be alright when it was over. Once it passed (a really long 5 minutes later), she was exhausted. Thankfully, no harm done. Just frightening to watch. So, for those of you counting: 6 days = 7 animal issues. That's not a very good average.
After experiencing all these issues, I now have the concrete knowledge of one thing: I will NEVER live on a farm full time! :-) I've always thought this...but now I KNOW this!
All in all, we had a great time on our vacation in Chelan. We can't wait to go back and spend time with the Ireland's soon, while the weather is still warm and the lake is still "warm" enough to swim in.
Last Monday, the kids and I left our home and headed East to Lake Chelan. My parents were already there and my sister's were going to join us later in the week. We are so blessed to have friends (the Ireland's) who live over there and while they're on vacation, we go and stay at their house and take care of the farm. They have horses, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dogs, cats, pigeons and pigs.
The house |
The view from the front porch. |
Day 1 - Monday: We arrived in the afternoon and had to get ready because we were having an "impromptu" dinner with the family. When I say family, I mean, my family plus the Libbey/Thompson/Barnes group. These are the family/friends of the Ireland's who welcome us with open arms every time we come for a visit. While taking a break from getting ready for dinner, we were sitting on the front porch. This front porch is amazing. You can see it in the first picture. My dad and Warren built it a couple years back and it's the perfect place for sitting outside. We had one of the kittens with us and the dogs (there were 8) started to swarm us because they wanted to play with the cat. Ross was just about to get knocked off the porch when one of the pups fell off instead. We hear the pup screaming! It's a pretty good drop to the ground. My dad jumps down there and the puppy is just screaming and tries to run away but it can't. The poor thing broke it's front "ankle" It immediately swelled up and the pup could not bear any weight on it. GREAT! What a fantastic way to start our vacation. Once we have her settled in the kennel, it's time to eat.
And eat we did! We had pan fried oysters, bacon wrapped oysters, steamer clams and a table full of salads. Now remember, this in a "impromptu" feast. Just a few hours notice and all this food came together and we had a great time. Can you imagine what a "scheduled" feast would entail? Keep reading...
Day 2- Tuesday: Tuesday, it's raining. Seriously? It's summer people! Summer in Eastern Washington is supposed to be hot and dry. We had thought about going to Leavenworth for the day, but changed our minds as the rain was coming down in sheets. We stayed home and relaxed and had a quiet day. I LOVE to read. I always have. I brought a couple of books with me but nothing was really keeping my interest. I know Heather likes to read too, so I started scanning her library. I stumbled up on the book, "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and thank goodness I did! I read the first chapter and was hooked. It is the first in a trilogy, but I noticed the other books were not at the house. I hopped in my car, drove down to the bookstore and bought the whole set! Then I read....and read....and read! I couldn't get enough. Matter of fact, as I sit here typing, I want to hurry up and finish so I can go out and read some more of the 3rd and final book! :-) My dad and I decided to go for a hike up through the orchards. We had a few of the dogs following us but by the end of the walk, only Whidbey, the ball crazed Chocolate Lab remained. All the others took off for home on some shortcut. When we got back to the house, all the dogs were waiting for us on the deck. And that's when we saw it: the blond pup....seen here:
took a short cut alright: through the barbed wire fence! He had a gash on his front shoulder with a flap of bloody skin hanging loose. Ugh! Every time he would run, he would stop to chew/lick that spot because it was flapping against his body. Sorry, I know that's gross, but it was also kind of funny to watch. So, for those of you keeping track: this is day 2 and we have 2 animals hurt. This is not a good way to start our vacation where we are supposed to be "taking care" of the farm. :-/
Day 3 - Wednesday: The weather is nice again! Yay! We decide to make the drive up to Winthrop.
Winthrop is an old mining town about an hour and half North of Chelan. It's such a cool place to visit, but I think my favorite thing about it is: Addy calls it "Win-throw-up!" So funny! We have a nice time there walking around, shopping, and having lunch. When we get back to Chelan we head to the lake. We weren't able to stay long because it was almost dinner time, but we were there long enough to have Addy jump in. She wasn't thrilled:
But, she did it then got out and played in the kiddy pool afterwards. After dinner that night, my mom and I took the kids on a walk. The weather was perfect!
On our way back to the house, I told Baylee and Addy to run to the chicken coop to get the scrap bucket we had left out. I stopped to take a picture of this pretty weed/flower...
...when I heard the screams! I see Baylee and Addy running away and screaming with tears running down their faces. There was a dog attacking a turkey right next to them! SHIT! I run over there, grab the scrap bucket (metal) and start swinging at the dog. She finally let's the turkey go, but I figure it's too late. But, thankfully, it wasn't! The turkey was still alive!!! But the dumb thing wasn't moving! That's when I noticed it's broken wing. Great! Another animal hurt. What is going on in this place??? My mom comes over and picks up the turkey and puts her back into the coop. Yes, my mom did it. There is no way in hell I'd pick up a turkey. They freak my freakin' freak! Anyways, ok, so Day 3 = 3 hurt animals. No bueno! But hey, at least the turkey is still a viable specimen for Thanksgiving. They'll just be short a wing. :-) (Thank you, thank you....I'll take a bow).
Day 4 - Thursday: My sister's are coming! And it's the day of the "scheduled" feast of BBQ'd oysters at the Libbey house! Yayyyyy!!!! Oh and guess what? Day 4 means...if we're going at the same rate we've been going...another animal is about to get hurt. Is this totally morbid thinking? You're damn skippy it is. But hey, you can't make this stuff up! My dad went out to do something and noticed (hold your breath) a carcass in the field. What kind of carcass you ask? The damn, freakin' stupid TURKEY!!! AHHHH!!! For whatever reason, she thought, "Ok, since the dog let me go last time, maybe I'll go out of the coop again and everything will be just fine!" Right! So, the dog tore her to shreds. Well, no more "minus 1 wing" Thanksgiving turkey this year! That night, we feast on oysters again. Only this time, their barbecued. If you've never head BBQ'd have GOT to try them. They are they only way I'll eat them!
They are amazing!!!
Day 5 - Friday: Slide Waters here we come! Chelan's one and only water slide park. What a blast we have there! The Downhill Racer is one of my faves. On my 2nd trip, the upper lifeguard was telling us how you can splash the lower lifeguard on your way down (this is a giant slide like the one they have at the fair where you slide down on gunny sacks? Only this on is with water and a floppy boogie board). I told my sister I was going to try and soak the lifeguard. So we're speeding down the slide and I go in for the tilt, but as I'm concentrating on remembering what the upper lifeguard told me, I forget to drag my feet to slow myself down. Before I know it, SMASH! CRACK! BOOM! I'm up and over the ledge and onto the deck. Ok, go ahead and laugh. I was laughing, but not because it felt good to do this. No. I was laughing at the fact that I totally could imagine what other people saw! OMG! Thank GOD this did not get captured on video! My body is still sore from that tumble but it is pretty funny to think about. After we got back, I was sitting in the yard, catching some rays when the turkey killer decides to change her M.O. and go after a duck. I run, barefoot, through the grass and manage to pry the duck from the dog. Once again, the duck has a broken wing. Are you FREAKIN' kidding me!? When will this end? Are we being punished for something??? After dinner, the turkey killer/duck wing breaker is now back to being a killer! Of CHICKENS!!!! This cannot be happening! The poor little brown clucker, who was just minding her own business, pecking at some worms, gets demolished by the dog. Needless to say, we've had enough and she gets put in the kennel.
Day 6 - Saturday: It's hot! FINALLY!!! Time to leave...and go to the lake. We went to Manson Bay Park. What a perfect place to swim!
The kids enjoyed it (even if they were shivering and had purple lips) and it felt good to be in the water. Pretty uneventful day. We were just about to sit down to watch a movie when my mom went out on the porch to check the dogs. She noticed one of the dogs "humping" another dog who was laying in the kennel. But then she took a second look and noticed something wasn't right. She told us to come out. The poor Chocolate Lab mama (Kia) was having a seizure! She was foaming at the mouth, her body was almost rigid and she was breathing so fast and heavy I was sure she was going to have a heart attack and die. All we could do was keep her in the kennel and I sat by her head and talked to her. It was horrifying! We called Warren to see if this was "normal" for her to experience seizures and thankfully, it was. Watching Kia go through this brought back bad memories of our puppy Shelby having a seizure over a year ago. I'm kind of glad I had seen Shelby go through that so that I knew Kia was going to be alright when it was over. Once it passed (a really long 5 minutes later), she was exhausted. Thankfully, no harm done. Just frightening to watch. So, for those of you counting: 6 days = 7 animal issues. That's not a very good average.
After experiencing all these issues, I now have the concrete knowledge of one thing: I will NEVER live on a farm full time! :-) I've always thought this...but now I KNOW this!
All in all, we had a great time on our vacation in Chelan. We can't wait to go back and spend time with the Ireland's soon, while the weather is still warm and the lake is still "warm" enough to swim in.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Peanut Butter is the theme today.
Seriously, today has been the LONGEST day EVERRRR!!! Let me explain:
Last night, we had an epic girl's night. So much laughter, my stomach muscles are actually sore! That's how much fun it was. Now, normally, I don't consume alcohol. I had wayyyyy to many "incidents" in the hay day of my "youth" where I have chosen to not drink alcoholic beverages in excess anymore. I haven't been drunk in YEARS! Nor do I miss it. So last night, I had a couple (let's be honest here....I opened 3 bottles of "margaritas" but at the end of the night, each of those 3 bottles had about 1/4 left in do the math) of beverages. Those couple made the giggles that much more funny! hehe So, I get home late and my house is EMPTY!!! When I say empty, I mean, hubby is camping, Ross is at my brother's, and Addy is at my sister's. It was just me, the dog and the cat. I had a plan to sleep in!!! Well, 8:30 am rolls around (not enough sleep for me) and my mom calls telling me she forgot her key and needs to get something out of my freezer. UGH!!! No more sleeping for this lady. Thus, the start of my day.
I had it all planned out: Hubby was going to get home around 10am from camping, I'd leave, go bake for a couple hours at the bookstore, go to the grocery store to stock up for my hubby so he doesn't starve while I'm on vacation (more on that later), come home, clean up the house, get packed, have a nice dinner, get the kids to bed and have some quiet, quality time with my hubby before going off to la-la land early so I can wake up early and head off to my vacation. what happened in reality:
Hubby pulls in around 2:30 PM (not 10 as I had PLANNED). During the morning/afternoon, I was able to clean up the house. Kids took a nap so it was easy, but I didn't make it to the grocery store. I get to the bookstore at 2:45-ish only to find out that, eh-hem, someone didn't pick up the groceries that I needed to bake and stock up for my week long absence. Freakin' A!!! After throwing a mild temper tantrum, I bake for a while, then run out of stuff, so I run to the dreaded Walmart. Ugh! Get my groceries, come back to the store and guess what? Yes, I'm still here!!! Guess what time it is: 8:40 PM. You do the math! I'm almost done, working on my last batch of peanut butter cookies when I realize "Shit! I put TOO much butter in the batter! SHIT! Now I have to QUADRUPLE the rest of the ingredients and now I have a freakin' QUADRUPLE sized batch of freakin' peanut butter cookies!!" So, I'm taking a mild break from rolling out a freaking quadruple batch of cookie dough.
Right now, my baked items equal this: 3 coffee cakes, a dozen maple walnut scones, 18 lemon poppy seed muffins, a dozen blueberry muffins, and a double batch of choc. chip cookie dough, single batch of oatmeal craisin cookie dough and a freakin' quadruple batch of, yes, you know it, peanut butter freakin' cookie dough! I'm in need of a vacation!
Speaking of vacation, did I tell you I'm leaving tomorrow morning??? Yes, the kids and I are heading to Lake Chelan for the week with my parents. Poor hubby has to stay home and work :-( But I'm REALLY excited! Especially for the fact that it's acting like fall here and it's supposed to be summer over there. I need some SUN!!! Sun, swimming, lounging, reading, sleeping....perfect recipe for me!
Now, back to my weight loss efforts: I wanted to walk every day, but I had the excuse of the fall like weather we've been having. Downpours! Wind! NO THANK YOU!!! I was not going to subject my children to an hour and a half walk in the rain. So, I didn't walk as much as I wanted to this week. But, I plan to walk every morning while on vacation. There are some beautiful areas where we will be staying and I fully intend to take advantage of it.
Ok, my break is over. Off to roll out some more peanut butter cookies. Hey, if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and get a coffee and PB cookie from Sage Bookstore this week....they'll have PLENTY! :-)
Last night, we had an epic girl's night. So much laughter, my stomach muscles are actually sore! That's how much fun it was. Now, normally, I don't consume alcohol. I had wayyyyy to many "incidents" in the hay day of my "youth" where I have chosen to not drink alcoholic beverages in excess anymore. I haven't been drunk in YEARS! Nor do I miss it. So last night, I had a couple (let's be honest here....I opened 3 bottles of "margaritas" but at the end of the night, each of those 3 bottles had about 1/4 left in do the math) of beverages. Those couple made the giggles that much more funny! hehe So, I get home late and my house is EMPTY!!! When I say empty, I mean, hubby is camping, Ross is at my brother's, and Addy is at my sister's. It was just me, the dog and the cat. I had a plan to sleep in!!! Well, 8:30 am rolls around (not enough sleep for me) and my mom calls telling me she forgot her key and needs to get something out of my freezer. UGH!!! No more sleeping for this lady. Thus, the start of my day.
I had it all planned out: Hubby was going to get home around 10am from camping, I'd leave, go bake for a couple hours at the bookstore, go to the grocery store to stock up for my hubby so he doesn't starve while I'm on vacation (more on that later), come home, clean up the house, get packed, have a nice dinner, get the kids to bed and have some quiet, quality time with my hubby before going off to la-la land early so I can wake up early and head off to my vacation. what happened in reality:
Hubby pulls in around 2:30 PM (not 10 as I had PLANNED). During the morning/afternoon, I was able to clean up the house. Kids took a nap so it was easy, but I didn't make it to the grocery store. I get to the bookstore at 2:45-ish only to find out that, eh-hem, someone didn't pick up the groceries that I needed to bake and stock up for my week long absence. Freakin' A!!! After throwing a mild temper tantrum, I bake for a while, then run out of stuff, so I run to the dreaded Walmart. Ugh! Get my groceries, come back to the store and guess what? Yes, I'm still here!!! Guess what time it is: 8:40 PM. You do the math! I'm almost done, working on my last batch of peanut butter cookies when I realize "Shit! I put TOO much butter in the batter! SHIT! Now I have to QUADRUPLE the rest of the ingredients and now I have a freakin' QUADRUPLE sized batch of freakin' peanut butter cookies!!" So, I'm taking a mild break from rolling out a freaking quadruple batch of cookie dough.
Right now, my baked items equal this: 3 coffee cakes, a dozen maple walnut scones, 18 lemon poppy seed muffins, a dozen blueberry muffins, and a double batch of choc. chip cookie dough, single batch of oatmeal craisin cookie dough and a freakin' quadruple batch of, yes, you know it, peanut butter freakin' cookie dough! I'm in need of a vacation!
Speaking of vacation, did I tell you I'm leaving tomorrow morning??? Yes, the kids and I are heading to Lake Chelan for the week with my parents. Poor hubby has to stay home and work :-( But I'm REALLY excited! Especially for the fact that it's acting like fall here and it's supposed to be summer over there. I need some SUN!!! Sun, swimming, lounging, reading, sleeping....perfect recipe for me!
Now, back to my weight loss efforts: I wanted to walk every day, but I had the excuse of the fall like weather we've been having. Downpours! Wind! NO THANK YOU!!! I was not going to subject my children to an hour and a half walk in the rain. So, I didn't walk as much as I wanted to this week. But, I plan to walk every morning while on vacation. There are some beautiful areas where we will be staying and I fully intend to take advantage of it.
Ok, my break is over. Off to roll out some more peanut butter cookies. Hey, if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and get a coffee and PB cookie from Sage Bookstore this week....they'll have PLENTY! :-)
Monday, July 11, 2011
I'm still alive
Ok friends, I will admit, as I'm sure most of you have guessed: I fell off my own bandwagon!!! Did I set myself up for failure? No, I don't think so. I just gave in and gave up. I'm sad with myself, but I'm getting over that. I haven't posted in over a month and I can see why. I was in a funk and kind of depressed. I'm coming out of it and it's getting better. Why does this happen???
Summer is in full swing and we have been BUSY BUSY BUSYYYYY!!!! Addy has started soccer and seems to be enjoying it, even if she doesn't quite understand it's purpose. She just runs around with her tongue sticking out. haha She's super cute though!
We've celebrated the 4th of July, some birthday's and our friends' wedding. Now it's time to get back onto my own bandwagon and whip my arse back into 30th birthday mode! I haven't been on the scale since my last blog (May 25th) and I'm scared to see what it'll tell me. I'll face the music tomorrow morning.
My sister and I walked 4 miles Friday and Saturday mornings. It was great...but man I could feel it on Saturday afternoon! Ouch! Hoping we can get together again tomorrow morning or else I'll just go by myself. I have 10 weeks till my 30th birthday and I need to make everyday count to meet my goal. I need some cheerleaders on my side. So if you're with me, behind me, pushing me along, let me hear you!!!! Remind me to get off my ass, put down that un-healthy "treat" and get a move on it! Or, if you don't want to verbally "attack" me, pray for me to find the will to do it like I need to!
Now, that I'm done, I'm going for a walk! More soon. Thanks for sticking with me!
I love you all!
Summer is in full swing and we have been BUSY BUSY BUSYYYYY!!!! Addy has started soccer and seems to be enjoying it, even if she doesn't quite understand it's purpose. She just runs around with her tongue sticking out. haha She's super cute though!
We've celebrated the 4th of July, some birthday's and our friends' wedding. Now it's time to get back onto my own bandwagon and whip my arse back into 30th birthday mode! I haven't been on the scale since my last blog (May 25th) and I'm scared to see what it'll tell me. I'll face the music tomorrow morning.
My sister and I walked 4 miles Friday and Saturday mornings. It was great...but man I could feel it on Saturday afternoon! Ouch! Hoping we can get together again tomorrow morning or else I'll just go by myself. I have 10 weeks till my 30th birthday and I need to make everyday count to meet my goal. I need some cheerleaders on my side. So if you're with me, behind me, pushing me along, let me hear you!!!! Remind me to get off my ass, put down that un-healthy "treat" and get a move on it! Or, if you don't want to verbally "attack" me, pray for me to find the will to do it like I need to!
Now, that I'm done, I'm going for a walk! More soon. Thanks for sticking with me!
I love you all!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, May 25
Hello friends! Everything is going well here. Down 1 lb this week and was SUPER excited to make it to Zumba last night! I wasn't able to go at all last week and didn't expect to be able to make it till Thursday of this week, but hubby got home in time. Woohoooo!!! It was so much fun and I danced as hard as I could. I was sweatin' up a storm.
I then came home to see the finale of "The Biggest Loser" and I was so excited for the contestants! What an amazing transformation!!! Someday, I'll have a transformation! Some day!
I've been doing Weight Watchers online and I'm really liking it. My only issue is remembering to keep track of what I'm putting in my mouth. I'm being way more conscience of what I'm eating and I've been consuming WAY more fruits and veggies (their "free" on W.W.)!
This weekend marks the unofficial start of summer! Woohooo!!!! Memorial Day weekend is just about here. We have 2 bbq's to go to, so I'm hoping for no rain so I'll be able to go on a nice, long walk before each one starts. :-)
I woke up with a really bad headache this morning. That is not a fun way to start the day. Thankfully, it's gone now (thank you Excedrin Migraine!). My neck is really tight; I think I slept wrong. Maybe time for a massage??? That could be my next prize for my next "mini-goal." bout when I reach 25lbs, I'll get a massage? I just bought a new pair of crop jeans and went down a size! Woohoo! I was super excited! Can't wait to go down a few more. :-) One at a time will work for me.
We got Addy signed up for summer soccer. She's really excited to play! She's going to have so much fun!!! Can't wait to see her out there running around. :-) I hope she enjoys playing sports. I don't care what she chooses to play, I just want her to enjoy it. I LOVED playing fast pitch until high school, then I hated it. I hated the competitive-favoritism-drama that came a long with it. I do miss it though.
Ok, time for chores! My break is over. :-)
I then came home to see the finale of "The Biggest Loser" and I was so excited for the contestants! What an amazing transformation!!! Someday, I'll have a transformation! Some day!
I've been doing Weight Watchers online and I'm really liking it. My only issue is remembering to keep track of what I'm putting in my mouth. I'm being way more conscience of what I'm eating and I've been consuming WAY more fruits and veggies (their "free" on W.W.)!
This weekend marks the unofficial start of summer! Woohooo!!!! Memorial Day weekend is just about here. We have 2 bbq's to go to, so I'm hoping for no rain so I'll be able to go on a nice, long walk before each one starts. :-)
I woke up with a really bad headache this morning. That is not a fun way to start the day. Thankfully, it's gone now (thank you Excedrin Migraine!). My neck is really tight; I think I slept wrong. Maybe time for a massage??? That could be my next prize for my next "mini-goal." bout when I reach 25lbs, I'll get a massage? I just bought a new pair of crop jeans and went down a size! Woohoo! I was super excited! Can't wait to go down a few more. :-) One at a time will work for me.
We got Addy signed up for summer soccer. She's really excited to play! She's going to have so much fun!!! Can't wait to see her out there running around. :-) I hope she enjoys playing sports. I don't care what she chooses to play, I just want her to enjoy it. I LOVED playing fast pitch until high school, then I hated it. I hated the competitive-favoritism-drama that came a long with it. I do miss it though.
Ok, time for chores! My break is over. :-)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Woke up to the sun this morning. What a wonderful feeling! Well, actually, I woke up when it was still dark (4:50 am) to get to the bookstore to bake some cinnamon rolls, but got home around 6:30 and slept till 8. :-) Then the sun was shining in my face!
I had a hair cut appointment this morning and, as always, I'm super excited about the results!
It's quite a bit shorter than before and I love it! It'll be so much fun to play with. I'm so grateful that the girl who cuts my hair isn't fearful and trusts me when I say "I need a change!"
Ok, so I joined Weight Watchers online. I need to find something that helps me track my food (good and bad) and I think this will really help me. So, here's to my newest tool for my journey! They have their new "PointsPlus" program where they have zero points for all fruits! YAY!
Last night, I went to Zumba. I was sitting here, wasting time at home because class didn't start until 7pm. So about 6:45, I left my house. Got to the gym and the class had already started! WTF??? Apparently, they changed the time to 6:30 and I didn't catch the memo. So, I only had 30 mins to boogie, but I did it and was dripping sweat. Felt good too!
Nothing really exciting to report, so I'm gonna sign off now. Kids are staying at Grandma & Papa's tonight, so hubby and I may go see a movie or something fun. Woo hoo!
I had a hair cut appointment this morning and, as always, I'm super excited about the results!
It's quite a bit shorter than before and I love it! It'll be so much fun to play with. I'm so grateful that the girl who cuts my hair isn't fearful and trusts me when I say "I need a change!"
Ok, so I joined Weight Watchers online. I need to find something that helps me track my food (good and bad) and I think this will really help me. So, here's to my newest tool for my journey! They have their new "PointsPlus" program where they have zero points for all fruits! YAY!
Last night, I went to Zumba. I was sitting here, wasting time at home because class didn't start until 7pm. So about 6:45, I left my house. Got to the gym and the class had already started! WTF??? Apparently, they changed the time to 6:30 and I didn't catch the memo. So, I only had 30 mins to boogie, but I did it and was dripping sweat. Felt good too!
Nothing really exciting to report, so I'm gonna sign off now. Kids are staying at Grandma & Papa's tonight, so hubby and I may go see a movie or something fun. Woo hoo!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Excuses, excuses....
Holy crow! I guess I didn't realize how quickly these past two weeks have gone by and I haven't posted in that time frame. Wow! I'm sorry to you who have been looking for my daily posts. I've been in a funk, busy, tired, busy, not up to blogging, so I haven't. I have lots of excuses. The main ones being; I was sick for a while, my kids were sick for a while and I haven't been working out or eating well, so why should I blog about that? For real, who wants to hear about me eating crappy food and not making it to the gym, AGAIN?? Not me, that's for sure. But whatever. Enough of this dreariness. I'm back thank you very much! So, here we go!
Last night (Monday), I decided I didn't want to drive to the gym, so I walked. Now, I don't know the distance, but it's a haul walking from my house, down the hill, across town and to the SAC. I gave myself 30 mins and once I started, I realized I wouldn't have enough time to make it to Zumba at 6:30, so I started jogging. Let me remind you, I am NOT a jogger! I want to LOVE it, I don't HATE body is just not ready for it. So, here I am, jogging down Olympic Hwy, down a STEEP hill! Fighting my body to keep from going to fast down the hill. I make it to the bottom, stop at the cross walk and then keep going. Stop at the next block and keep going...then, I'm done. I have to walk. I managed to make up some time, but I still have quite a ways to go. To make a long story short, I made it to the gym right about 6:29 and there was still room in the class for me! WOOOOHOOOO!!! I was dying, but I managed to make it through the whole 1 hour class. After class, my girlfriend graciously asked if I wanted a ride home. Ohhh yes! I would have still been walking if I had refused that ride! :-) Thanks Gretch!
Today, I ate pretty well. Not perfect, but pretty well. For dinner, hubby BBQ'd some pork loin chops and I made some mean risotto. It had carrots and broccoli in it and it was delicious!!! My kids cleared their plates and Addy told me this dinner was "a keeper." During dinner, I told Phil that I wasn't sure I wanted to go to class. My body is soooo sore! He told me, "no, you have to. You had a whole week off. You need to go." And you know what, he was totally right! So, I drove my butt down there and danced the hour away. My body didn't hurt at all while I was dancing. It was fantastic and just what I needed! As I sit here now though, I'm getting stiff. Oh well, it was worth it!
I had to change my weight loss tracker and that made me a little sad to do it. I gained some weight. But I'm not surprised. I just need to focus and I'm having a hard time battling myself. It's so strange how our minds fight with our hearts. My heart wants me to be healthy and lose weight but my brain (or a strong portion of my brain) tells me to give in. Why? Why do I allow this???? Ugh! Oh well, just keep on truckin' that's all I can do. One step at a time.
I watched Oprah today and her episode was about viewers who have lost over 100lbs! It was amazing and inspiring to see these people get control of their lives. They said that they will never be done with the "battle" of losing weight. It will always be a "battle" and they will have to fight it for the rest of their lives. But they all have worked sooooo hard to get where they are now. There was a lady in the Olympian's newspaper today from Fircrest, WA who has lost 300 lbs!!!! 300 lbs!!! She was 450 lbs and now she's 150 lbs. I think it said it took her 4 years to do it, but how amazing? Now, luckily, I do NOT need to lose 300 lbs, but still, I have a significant amount to lose and I know it will be a process. But I can do it!
Thanks for sticking with me and being patient and supportive as I go through my ups and downs. I will try and post daily, even if I had a "bad" day. I need to be accountable, even if it is to the world wide web. :-)
Last night (Monday), I decided I didn't want to drive to the gym, so I walked. Now, I don't know the distance, but it's a haul walking from my house, down the hill, across town and to the SAC. I gave myself 30 mins and once I started, I realized I wouldn't have enough time to make it to Zumba at 6:30, so I started jogging. Let me remind you, I am NOT a jogger! I want to LOVE it, I don't HATE body is just not ready for it. So, here I am, jogging down Olympic Hwy, down a STEEP hill! Fighting my body to keep from going to fast down the hill. I make it to the bottom, stop at the cross walk and then keep going. Stop at the next block and keep going...then, I'm done. I have to walk. I managed to make up some time, but I still have quite a ways to go. To make a long story short, I made it to the gym right about 6:29 and there was still room in the class for me! WOOOOHOOOO!!! I was dying, but I managed to make it through the whole 1 hour class. After class, my girlfriend graciously asked if I wanted a ride home. Ohhh yes! I would have still been walking if I had refused that ride! :-) Thanks Gretch!
Today, I ate pretty well. Not perfect, but pretty well. For dinner, hubby BBQ'd some pork loin chops and I made some mean risotto. It had carrots and broccoli in it and it was delicious!!! My kids cleared their plates and Addy told me this dinner was "a keeper." During dinner, I told Phil that I wasn't sure I wanted to go to class. My body is soooo sore! He told me, "no, you have to. You had a whole week off. You need to go." And you know what, he was totally right! So, I drove my butt down there and danced the hour away. My body didn't hurt at all while I was dancing. It was fantastic and just what I needed! As I sit here now though, I'm getting stiff. Oh well, it was worth it!
I had to change my weight loss tracker and that made me a little sad to do it. I gained some weight. But I'm not surprised. I just need to focus and I'm having a hard time battling myself. It's so strange how our minds fight with our hearts. My heart wants me to be healthy and lose weight but my brain (or a strong portion of my brain) tells me to give in. Why? Why do I allow this???? Ugh! Oh well, just keep on truckin' that's all I can do. One step at a time.
I watched Oprah today and her episode was about viewers who have lost over 100lbs! It was amazing and inspiring to see these people get control of their lives. They said that they will never be done with the "battle" of losing weight. It will always be a "battle" and they will have to fight it for the rest of their lives. But they all have worked sooooo hard to get where they are now. There was a lady in the Olympian's newspaper today from Fircrest, WA who has lost 300 lbs!!!! 300 lbs!!! She was 450 lbs and now she's 150 lbs. I think it said it took her 4 years to do it, but how amazing? Now, luckily, I do NOT need to lose 300 lbs, but still, I have a significant amount to lose and I know it will be a process. But I can do it!
Thanks for sticking with me and being patient and supportive as I go through my ups and downs. I will try and post daily, even if I had a "bad" day. I need to be accountable, even if it is to the world wide web. :-)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My mission has begun! I found the most AMAZING, BESTEST, INSPIRING & INFORMATIVE blog today and I am HOOKED!!! 100 Days of Real Food is a blog that a lady did with her family back in 2010. The challenged themselves to eat REAL food (no preservatives, additives, fake crap, PERIOD) for 100 days. The blog has recipes, tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration for anyone who may even be interested in changing their eating habits. After the 100 days was up, they decided to do the same thing but 100 Days of Real Food on a Budget. I am floored that I found this today! You have to check it out. It is shocking how much food is out there that is marketed as "good for you" but it's actually horrible! That's why we need to start eating more REAL food!
I was already planning on doing a "real food cleanse" that I wrote about yesterday and today I started. I stayed on track of the meal plan for the week except for one thing: I didn't pay attention to the time and didn't have enough time to cook the chicken that was needed for my lunch today. So instead, I had 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 apple, 1 oz cheese, 1 celery stick w/ 1 tbl natural peanut butter and water. Our dinner tonight was delicious! A creamy asparagus soup. It was soooo easy and really tasty.
I went to Zumba tonight and man, what a great workout! I was dripping sweat on the floor. Sweat was hanging from my eyelashes! My ARMS were dripping sweat! AMAZING!!! Michelle, our instructor for the evening, took a moment before class started to give a "pep" talk to the class. She reminded me of a really excited preacher giving a really exciting sermon to a flock of willing followers. She spoke about setting goals and having obstacles getting in your way. Instead of getting discouraged and giving up, look at those obstacles and get excited! Get excited by the fact that the enemy is taking all the shots he can at you and will do whatever he can to get you off course. If the enemy is trying soooo hard to get you off course, that means you're on the right path! So jump that hurdle, climb that mountain and keep on have a GOAL to reach! I needed to hear those words today. It's amazing how those messages come right at the right time. :-) AMAZING!
Funny story time: Tonight, while we were eating dinner, Ross (who's 1) was chowing down and all of a sudden, he burped. A loud, powerful burp! One Mommy would be proud of. Then, he said "WHOA!!!" and his eyes were really big because it shocked him. It was sooo funny and Phil and I just laughed and laughed.
Disturbing story time: How often do you clean your makeup brushes? Once a week? Once a month? Clean makeup brushes? What? Why would I do that, you ask? Well let me be honest here: I have NEVER fully cleaned my makeup brushes. Ewwww is right! But last night, as I was complaining about my skin being so bad, I had a thought. "Maybe it's your makeup brushes?" So, I went straight to my bathroom, grabbed some baby wash and was horrified (or terrified, as Addy would say)! My entire sink was a brownish/pinkish mess. There was rivers of color coming out of the brushes. AHHHHH!!! So, after much time spent washing and rinsing and washing and rinsing again, the water ran clear. I shook them out and laid them down wondering if this would help. This morning, when I went to apply my face, I noticed a HUGE difference!!! Not in my skin, but in the light, feathery, soft feel of the bristles brushing my makeup on. I was happy and grossed out at the same time! YUCK! All those YEARS of makeup, facial oil, moisturizer, blah, blah, blah...getting spread around my face every day!'s my lesson for today: Go and wash your makeup brushes NOW!!! Baby wash, a gentle shampoo, or Cetaphil should do the trick just fine. Just be sure to rinse well and don't disturb the bristles too much (especially if they are natural). Shake out the excess water and lay w/ the bristled end off the counter (I placed mine on a comb). I'm assuming now, after this experiment, that this is part of my breakout problems. So, hoping to report back soon that I see a difference. :-)
Off for a snack I go. Please, go check out the 100 Days of Real Food blog. It's inspiring and a great challenge! Love to all!
I was already planning on doing a "real food cleanse" that I wrote about yesterday and today I started. I stayed on track of the meal plan for the week except for one thing: I didn't pay attention to the time and didn't have enough time to cook the chicken that was needed for my lunch today. So instead, I had 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 apple, 1 oz cheese, 1 celery stick w/ 1 tbl natural peanut butter and water. Our dinner tonight was delicious! A creamy asparagus soup. It was soooo easy and really tasty.
I went to Zumba tonight and man, what a great workout! I was dripping sweat on the floor. Sweat was hanging from my eyelashes! My ARMS were dripping sweat! AMAZING!!! Michelle, our instructor for the evening, took a moment before class started to give a "pep" talk to the class. She reminded me of a really excited preacher giving a really exciting sermon to a flock of willing followers. She spoke about setting goals and having obstacles getting in your way. Instead of getting discouraged and giving up, look at those obstacles and get excited! Get excited by the fact that the enemy is taking all the shots he can at you and will do whatever he can to get you off course. If the enemy is trying soooo hard to get you off course, that means you're on the right path! So jump that hurdle, climb that mountain and keep on have a GOAL to reach! I needed to hear those words today. It's amazing how those messages come right at the right time. :-) AMAZING!
Funny story time: Tonight, while we were eating dinner, Ross (who's 1) was chowing down and all of a sudden, he burped. A loud, powerful burp! One Mommy would be proud of. Then, he said "WHOA!!!" and his eyes were really big because it shocked him. It was sooo funny and Phil and I just laughed and laughed.
Disturbing story time: How often do you clean your makeup brushes? Once a week? Once a month? Clean makeup brushes? What? Why would I do that, you ask? Well let me be honest here: I have NEVER fully cleaned my makeup brushes. Ewwww is right! But last night, as I was complaining about my skin being so bad, I had a thought. "Maybe it's your makeup brushes?" So, I went straight to my bathroom, grabbed some baby wash and was horrified (or terrified, as Addy would say)! My entire sink was a brownish/pinkish mess. There was rivers of color coming out of the brushes. AHHHHH!!! So, after much time spent washing and rinsing and washing and rinsing again, the water ran clear. I shook them out and laid them down wondering if this would help. This morning, when I went to apply my face, I noticed a HUGE difference!!! Not in my skin, but in the light, feathery, soft feel of the bristles brushing my makeup on. I was happy and grossed out at the same time! YUCK! All those YEARS of makeup, facial oil, moisturizer, blah, blah, blah...getting spread around my face every day!'s my lesson for today: Go and wash your makeup brushes NOW!!! Baby wash, a gentle shampoo, or Cetaphil should do the trick just fine. Just be sure to rinse well and don't disturb the bristles too much (especially if they are natural). Shake out the excess water and lay w/ the bristled end off the counter (I placed mine on a comb). I'm assuming now, after this experiment, that this is part of my breakout problems. So, hoping to report back soon that I see a difference. :-)
Off for a snack I go. Please, go check out the 100 Days of Real Food blog. It's inspiring and a great challenge! Love to all!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sorry friends that I have been MIA a lot lately. I just haven't felt like keeping you updated on my fizzling enthusiasm for my journey. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it has a lot to do with the word "diet." Diets, to me, mean temporary, harsh, un-bending, no fun! So, yes, I did well while on the South Beach Diet...but after that initial 2 weeks was up and my weight loss slowed and then stopped and then went up by 3 lbs..ugh!...I was at a stand still. Mentally, I'm frustrated and disappointed with myself. Physically, I'm good. My elbow doesn't hurt anymore, but I can tell I need to hit the gym more. Spiritually, I'm flat. I feel partially defeated.
This past week and a half I've really been studying and researching "clean eating." I don't want to diet, but I HAVE to change the way my family and I eat. I came across a really great magazine called, go figure, Clean Eating. I read it till 12:30 this morning and it lit a fire in me! There are shopping lists, brands, tips, tricks, and even a fantastic list from Kashi that shows us a breakdown of what to avoid when reading ingredients lists. It's called the Kashi Ingredient Decoder. Go check it out! Anyways, I am determined to break my habit (or addiction) to processed foods. I went to Trader Joes today and purchased all sorts of "clean" food and I've got my weekly menu all set up for this week, starting tomorrow. Wanna see what I'll be eating? I got it from the Clean Eating magazine but made a few minor changes (mostly having to do with nuts...I'm still not ok with eating walnuts & sesame seeds...yuck!).
This past week and a half I've really been studying and researching "clean eating." I don't want to diet, but I HAVE to change the way my family and I eat. I came across a really great magazine called, go figure, Clean Eating. I read it till 12:30 this morning and it lit a fire in me! There are shopping lists, brands, tips, tricks, and even a fantastic list from Kashi that shows us a breakdown of what to avoid when reading ingredients lists. It's called the Kashi Ingredient Decoder. Go check it out! Anyways, I am determined to break my habit (or addiction) to processed foods. I went to Trader Joes today and purchased all sorts of "clean" food and I've got my weekly menu all set up for this week, starting tomorrow. Wanna see what I'll be eating? I got it from the Clean Eating magazine but made a few minor changes (mostly having to do with nuts...I'm still not ok with eating walnuts & sesame seeds...yuck!).
AM: ¾ C Granola w/ ½ c low fat yogurt & 1 sliced banana. ½ c low fat milk
Snack: 1 c Greek yogurt w/ 1 c frozen raspberries, blended
Lunch: Almond Butter Chicken Salad - & 1 granola bar 4 oz. chopped broiled chicken breast, 15 halved grapes, ½ c chopped celery, 1 tbls chopped almonds tossed with 2 tbl almond butter, 1 tbl water, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar & ½ tsp. maple syrup. .
Snack: 5 carrot sticks, 5 celery sticks, 2 oz. Swiss cheese
Dinner: 1 serving Creamy Asparagus Soup (pg. 82) & 1 med baked sweet potato
AM: 1 cup cooked oatmeal with ½ c milk, 1 chopped pear & 1 tsp. maple syrup
Snack: 1 sliced kiwi & 1 oz. almonds
Lunch: Turkey Asparagus Roll-ups – 4 – 1oz slices turkey breast, each rolled up with 1 oz. Swiss cheese & 1 small cooked asparagus spear & 1 banana.
Snack: 1 sliced apple with 2 tbl almond butter & 1 c milk.
Dinner: 1 serving steak salad (pg. 78)
AM: 1 serving Choco Raspberry Vanilla smoothie –Puree 1 cup frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. vanilla, ½ c Greek yogurt, 1 ½ c milk & 2 oz. chocolate protein powder.
Snack: ½ c cottage cheese, ½ c frozen mixed fruit, 1 tsp. maple syrup, 1tbl almonds; 1 banana
Lunch: Crab Waldorf Salad: 2 oz. crab mixed with ½ c Greek yogurt, ½ c chopped apple, ¼ c chopped celery & ¼ c chopped almonds. With ½ c sliced cucumber on the side.
Snack: 15 grapes & 2 Laughing Cow Light Blue Cheese wedges
Dinner: 4 oz. broiled chicken breast topped with 1 tbl Arugula Pesto (puree 2 cups arugula w/ 7 almonds, 1 clove garlic, 1 tbl EVOO & 1 tbl water), ½ oz. peeled & sliced avocado & squeeze of lemon. 1 medium baked sweet potato. 1 cup cooked, chopped broccoli.
AM: 1 poached egg topped with 1 oz. crab meat & 1 cup sautéed arugula, served on 1 slice of multigrain bread w/ 1 slice of lemon.
Snack: 1 granola bar & 6 celery sticks
Lunch: 2 cups leftover creamy asparagus soup, topped with 2 oz. shredded Swiss cheese & 1 cup cooked chickpeas. 1 slice multigrain bread.
Snack: 2 cups chopped romaine lettuce w/ ½ c sliced cucumber, 3 halved cherry tomatoes, 10 almonds, 1 tsp. EVOO & 2 tbl apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: Pepper Steak: 4 oz. beef tenderloin sautéed w/ 1 tsp. olive oil & 1 cup sliced red bell pepper & 1 cup sliced onion. 15 grapes
AM: ¾ c granola w/ ½ c yogurt & 1 sliced banana
Snack: 1 serving Choco Raspberry Vanilla Smoothie (leftovers)
Lunch: 4 oz. turkey slices; 1 laughing cow blue cheese wedge, 6 carrot sticks, 6 celery sticks, 1 oz. almonds.
Snack: Chickpea Salad: 2 cups chopped iceberg, ½ c avocado, and ½ c chickpeas w/ black peppercorn yogurt dressing (leftovers from steak salad).
Dinner: 4 oz. broiled tilapia w/ a squeeze of lemon, 1 med baked white potato topped w/ 2 tbl arugula pesto (leftovers), 1 cup cooked, chopped broccoli, 6 chopped asparagus spears, 1 tsp. EVOO & 1 tsp. lemon juice
AM: 1 cup cooked oatmeal w/ 1 tbl almond butter & ½ c mixed frozen fruit, thawed
Snack: ½ mashed banana, ½ c Greek yogurt, 2 tbl almonds
Lunch: Cheesesteaks: 3 oz. beef tenderloin sautéed in 1 tsp. olive oil & ½ c sliced onion. Top with 1 oz. Swiss cheese and place between 2 slices of multigrain bread. 1 apple
Snack: 1 granola bar & 6 carrot sticks
Dinner: 2 cups cooked penne pasta sautéed w/ 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 c sliced mushrooms & 3 oz. ground pork tenderloin. Top w/ ¾ cup creamy asparagus soup & 1 tsp. Parmesan.
AM: 2 egg whites scrambled w/ 1 tsp. olive oil, ½ cup sliced mushrooms, ¼ cup chopped onion & 4 cherry tomatoes; 2 slices of toasted multigrain bread
Snack: 15 grapes, 1 oz. almonds
Lunch: 1 black bean veggie burger topped w/ ½ cup avocado , 2 tbl black peppercorn dressing, & 2 cups chopped romaine lettuce.
Snack: 2 oz. Swiss cheese, sliced kiwi & ½ banana
Dinner: 4 oz. broiled chicken breast, cubed, mixed w/ 1 cup chopped cooked broccoli, 1 cup cooked brown rice, ½ cup cooked chickpeas, ½ tsp. dried oregano & squeeze of ½ lemon
This is a partial "cleanse" for the purpose of getting all preservatives and additives out of your body. All foods are natural or "clean" and organic. I'm really excited to start this and hoping I can focus and change my brain. I'm really looking forward to getting my new books any day this week from Michael Pollan. So, if you pray, please pray for me to have the strength, guidance, and perseverance to keep on this path to be healthy and clean!
I also purchased new facial cleanser from Burt's Bees today. I've been having some really bad skin issues lately. For years, I've been using Neutrogena facial cleanser and just recently I started using their night cream and daily moisturizer and I've noticed a huge change in my skin. And not in a good way! Breaking out really badly, dry, & red blotches. I'm sure part of that is my diet but I really noticed a difference when I changed moisturizer. So I purchased new cleanser, toner, daily & nightly moisturizer from Burt's Bees. Hoping that helps!
Off to Zumba I go!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tuesday...Spring has SPRUNG!!!
Spring is here!!!!!
Woo hoo!!! Today was amazing! Sun shining, cleaning done, fast pitch game watched (sorry Highclimbers...), headache gone and Zumba danced!
I also ordered 3 new books today. All from Michael Pollan. He is an amazing author and food advocate. I can't wait to get these books (The Omnivores Dilemma, Food Rules & In Defense of Food) and dive into them to get more insight on our crappy food industry and how to learn to eat better. I really like how he is not a vegan, he still enjoys meat, but chooses to eat meat that he KNOWS is "farmed" responsibly and respectfully. Will be talking about these books more as I get them and read them. Just warning you! :-)
Zumba class was outstanding tonight! Sweaty is an understatement! I have rivulets of sweat dripping off my forehead and down my chest; YES! I am really excited to go walking tomorrow w/ Gretch before going to Zumba. Thankful for my Mom who is taking my kids for a couple hours.
I had more stuff I wanted to write about, but those thoughts have escaped my brain for the evening. Biggest Loser is on right now and I'm going to go watch it. Tomorrow is another busy day starting off at the hospital getting more X-Rays for Ross. Gotta check that collarbone to see how it's coming together. He seems to be doing really well.
As a side note, this morning, Ross said "NanaPleMama!" He loves his bananas! :-)
Monday, April 18, 2011 we go!
Yay! Monday is coming to a close, but it was a good day! Woke up to a bright & shining sun with crystal clear blue skies! It was very much needed to wake up to that dose of happiness. Took the kiddos to the park and played on the swings, tossed some gravel, and taught Ross how to jump on the bouncy bridge. We had a blast! Ross also learned how to say "Woohoo!" while swinging on Mom's lap. :-) It was really cute!
While the kids took a nap, I took some time to watch a movie on Hulu. If you've never used Hulu before, it's a free service that lets you watch TV episodes and movies. It's amazing!!! I ended up watching "Super Size Me." I will NEVER feed my children fast food again! Now, let me point out, I very rarely did take them there anyways. But never again! It is now banned from our household. The cycle will be broken. Our human population is getting sicker and sicker every day and we have got to do something about it. It blows my mind how a box of processed food can be so much cheaper than fresh fruit and veggies. I understand why it's that way, but our government needs to make that change NOW! We cannot keep eating like this! Our school systems are failing our children by feeding them crap for lunch (and sometimes breakfast). We have to do something about this. But what? What can we do? I know what I'm going to do. I will strictly limit processed food in my house from here on out. I'm a good cook, love to do it, have the time and my family's health is WORTH the effort. I'm going to ask you to see where you can help your family. Cook dinner every night for a week. Make your hubby and/or kids lunch to take to work/school. Don't buy into the packaged sugar crap! I'm on a mission to also stop using Ziploc bags! Use re-usable containers. Carrots, strawberries, leftover dinner, sandwiches, hummus, bell peppers, yogurt, homemade cookies (what a concept!), hard boiled eggs,...I could keep going. There are some options for lunches where you don't have to buy little bags of chips or cookies. We are killing ourselves people!
It really pisses me off that these massive food companies are making billions upon billions of dollars to poison us. I also, 100 %, agree that we are CHOOSING to let these companies ruin our lives. WE are the ones that buy the food, overeat, become addicted and fail to change. WE are the ones who allow this crap into our homes. WE are the ones who are killing ourselves. But I also think that the companies need to be responsible enough to show how bad this food is for us. There are a lot of stupid people out there who think they can eat whatever they want and will be fine. Unfortunately, this attitude is taking it's toll on us as a society.
I am rambling and I'm on a huge soapbox. But I'm also really angry with myself for falling prey to horrible eating habits and not caring about myself enough to choose a better option. I'm done!
Any who...stepping off my soapbox...I went to Zumba tonight and had a great class! I plan to go every night this week.
Addy and I also got Easter eggs colored this evening. She is waiting, as patiently as a 3 year old can, for them to dry so she can cover them in stickers.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day but I just hope the sun is out when I wake up! Have a great Tuesday everyone.
While the kids took a nap, I took some time to watch a movie on Hulu. If you've never used Hulu before, it's a free service that lets you watch TV episodes and movies. It's amazing!!! I ended up watching "Super Size Me." I will NEVER feed my children fast food again! Now, let me point out, I very rarely did take them there anyways. But never again! It is now banned from our household. The cycle will be broken. Our human population is getting sicker and sicker every day and we have got to do something about it. It blows my mind how a box of processed food can be so much cheaper than fresh fruit and veggies. I understand why it's that way, but our government needs to make that change NOW! We cannot keep eating like this! Our school systems are failing our children by feeding them crap for lunch (and sometimes breakfast). We have to do something about this. But what? What can we do? I know what I'm going to do. I will strictly limit processed food in my house from here on out. I'm a good cook, love to do it, have the time and my family's health is WORTH the effort. I'm going to ask you to see where you can help your family. Cook dinner every night for a week. Make your hubby and/or kids lunch to take to work/school. Don't buy into the packaged sugar crap! I'm on a mission to also stop using Ziploc bags! Use re-usable containers. Carrots, strawberries, leftover dinner, sandwiches, hummus, bell peppers, yogurt, homemade cookies (what a concept!), hard boiled eggs,...I could keep going. There are some options for lunches where you don't have to buy little bags of chips or cookies. We are killing ourselves people!
It really pisses me off that these massive food companies are making billions upon billions of dollars to poison us. I also, 100 %, agree that we are CHOOSING to let these companies ruin our lives. WE are the ones that buy the food, overeat, become addicted and fail to change. WE are the ones who allow this crap into our homes. WE are the ones who are killing ourselves. But I also think that the companies need to be responsible enough to show how bad this food is for us. There are a lot of stupid people out there who think they can eat whatever they want and will be fine. Unfortunately, this attitude is taking it's toll on us as a society.
I am rambling and I'm on a huge soapbox. But I'm also really angry with myself for falling prey to horrible eating habits and not caring about myself enough to choose a better option. I'm done!
Any who...stepping off my soapbox...I went to Zumba tonight and had a great class! I plan to go every night this week.
Addy and I also got Easter eggs colored this evening. She is waiting, as patiently as a 3 year old can, for them to dry so she can cover them in stickers.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day but I just hope the sun is out when I wake up! Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Zumba...ay Papi!
Yes!!! I made it to Zumba tonight and oh how I missed it! It's amazing how you can get lost for 1 hour dancing to fun music and dripping sweat the whole time. I LOVE IT!!! If you ever want to try Zumba...come on a Thursday night. It's not crowded, a little slower paced and super fun! Do it!
Today we had our buddy Blake here. He and Addy butted heads ALLLLLLL DAYYYY LONGGGGG!!!! And then you add Ross in there screaming and trying to hit them...oy vey! Needless to say today was LOUD!!! But, I was so thankful for the dinner delivery from the M.O.P.S ladies! They're doing a fundraiser for a trip to Nashville. I was more than happy to "donate" to these wonderful women and was ever so grateful to receive some delicious chicken enchiladas for dinner. :-) So at least I didn't have to worry about dinner tonight.
Time to hop in the shower before "Grey's Anatomy" starts in 1/2 hr! Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!!!
Today we had our buddy Blake here. He and Addy butted heads ALLLLLLL DAYYYY LONGGGGG!!!! And then you add Ross in there screaming and trying to hit them...oy vey! Needless to say today was LOUD!!! But, I was so thankful for the dinner delivery from the M.O.P.S ladies! They're doing a fundraiser for a trip to Nashville. I was more than happy to "donate" to these wonderful women and was ever so grateful to receive some delicious chicken enchiladas for dinner. :-) So at least I didn't have to worry about dinner tonight.
Time to hop in the shower before "Grey's Anatomy" starts in 1/2 hr! Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!!!
Thursday weigh in day! ****Inches lost have been added!****
Good morning! I'm sitting here, eating my eggs & turkey sausage, wondering what to write about today. Oh yes, it's weigh in day! I am absolutely shocked at what the scale told me! Now...let me back up a little....
This past week has been a drag. I don't know if I'm depressed/stressed/sick or what, but I have had no motivation plus major stomach issues (I won't go into details). I haven't been to the gym all week and have been feeling really crummy. Haven't been eating well (if at all) and just plain feeling down. I've decided it's time for a detox. I need to go away for a weekend, have some "me" time and detox from everything in my body. I've been reading up on "weekend" detox programs and the general rule is: be by yourself, lots of peace and quiet, and eat a vegetarian & organic diet. Now, I just need to find a place where I can go away for a weekend by myself! :-/
Ok, back to the weigh in. I stepped on the scale this morning, dreading the "truth." And at first, I was dumbfounded! Shocked! Appalled! I thought it read *up 7 lbs!*...but once I really looked at the number and counted correctly, I'm down 3 lbs! THREE POUNDS!!! How did this happen? I didn't even work out? I ate crap! But then I remembered, I really hadn't eaten much of anything all week because I had been feeling sick. Hmmm...
So, yes, I'm down 3 lbs this week and I'm "happy" but not happy at the same time. Yes, 3 lbs is great! But I didn't work for those 3 lbs. Oh well, I gotta take it! 19 lbs down, 11 to go for my first goal of 30 lbs!
I almost forgot!!! I measured myself this morning! In one month I have lost the following:
2 inches in my belly!
1 inch on my hips
1 inch from each thigh
1 inch from each bicep
1 inch from each calf
*my bust...I wore a "boob smoosher" when measuring the first time...but if I were to guess, I'd say I've lost 1 inch.
I am super excited about these losses!!!
This past week has been a drag. I don't know if I'm depressed/stressed/sick or what, but I have had no motivation plus major stomach issues (I won't go into details). I haven't been to the gym all week and have been feeling really crummy. Haven't been eating well (if at all) and just plain feeling down. I've decided it's time for a detox. I need to go away for a weekend, have some "me" time and detox from everything in my body. I've been reading up on "weekend" detox programs and the general rule is: be by yourself, lots of peace and quiet, and eat a vegetarian & organic diet. Now, I just need to find a place where I can go away for a weekend by myself! :-/
Ok, back to the weigh in. I stepped on the scale this morning, dreading the "truth." And at first, I was dumbfounded! Shocked! Appalled! I thought it read *up 7 lbs!*...but once I really looked at the number and counted correctly, I'm down 3 lbs! THREE POUNDS!!! How did this happen? I didn't even work out? I ate crap! But then I remembered, I really hadn't eaten much of anything all week because I had been feeling sick. Hmmm...
So, yes, I'm down 3 lbs this week and I'm "happy" but not happy at the same time. Yes, 3 lbs is great! But I didn't work for those 3 lbs. Oh well, I gotta take it! 19 lbs down, 11 to go for my first goal of 30 lbs!
I almost forgot!!! I measured myself this morning! In one month I have lost the following:
2 inches in my belly!
1 inch on my hips
1 inch from each thigh
1 inch from each bicep
1 inch from each calf
*my bust...I wore a "boob smoosher" when measuring the first time...but if I were to guess, I'd say I've lost 1 inch.
I am super excited about these losses!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I'm back!
Flip, flop. Flip, flop. That's been the way my mind is going these past few days. '
I'm going to the gym tonight for both body cut & zumba and can't wait. I'm a little nervous about my elbow because it's still a little sore, but I have to get back out there.
Last night for dinner, we had turkey burgers and salad. It makes me laugh (in my head) that my hubby thinks he's eating pork chops! HAHAHA I am so not going to tell him! But I'm sure he'll read it in this post! Sorry Phil! But you know you love 'em. :-)
This morning, I had eggs w/ Ross. Addy doesn't like eggs, so she had some of my Kashi cereal. I need to figure out lunch...probably some salad w/ hard boiled eggs. Dinner will be pork loin strips with veggies (stir fry style). Have to make it early enough so I can go to the gym at 5:30. Eating dinner at 4:30 is not "normal" for I probably will eat more when I get home from the gym.
I've started a new "system" for keeping up on my household chores. I joined an online club (FREE!) called The Fly Lady. I read about her a few years ago and she's got some great info and support to "learn" how to clean your house. I know how to clean my house, I just get overwhelmed, discouraged and frustrated so then I let it go for a bit then get mad all over again. The Fly Lady gives you daily routines to keep up with the mess. Every night before you go to bed, you clean your sink. Now, this may sound simple and maybe even strange, but if you've never done it, try it and see how wonderful it is to wake up to a bright, shiny, empty sink! It's magical!!! Little things like that that make a huge impact.
Ross Man is taking a nap and as soon as he wakes up, we're off to the grocery store. Gotta get workin' on our weekly menu. Hope everyone has a great day! More tonight after class!
I'm going to the gym tonight for both body cut & zumba and can't wait. I'm a little nervous about my elbow because it's still a little sore, but I have to get back out there.
Last night for dinner, we had turkey burgers and salad. It makes me laugh (in my head) that my hubby thinks he's eating pork chops! HAHAHA I am so not going to tell him! But I'm sure he'll read it in this post! Sorry Phil! But you know you love 'em. :-)
This morning, I had eggs w/ Ross. Addy doesn't like eggs, so she had some of my Kashi cereal. I need to figure out lunch...probably some salad w/ hard boiled eggs. Dinner will be pork loin strips with veggies (stir fry style). Have to make it early enough so I can go to the gym at 5:30. Eating dinner at 4:30 is not "normal" for I probably will eat more when I get home from the gym.
I've started a new "system" for keeping up on my household chores. I joined an online club (FREE!) called The Fly Lady. I read about her a few years ago and she's got some great info and support to "learn" how to clean your house. I know how to clean my house, I just get overwhelmed, discouraged and frustrated so then I let it go for a bit then get mad all over again. The Fly Lady gives you daily routines to keep up with the mess. Every night before you go to bed, you clean your sink. Now, this may sound simple and maybe even strange, but if you've never done it, try it and see how wonderful it is to wake up to a bright, shiny, empty sink! It's magical!!! Little things like that that make a huge impact.
Ross Man is taking a nap and as soon as he wakes up, we're off to the grocery store. Gotta get workin' on our weekly menu. Hope everyone has a great day! More tonight after class!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ok, so I have to be honest. I'm not doing too hot. Physically, I'm fine. Emotionally, I'm ok. But the fire under my butt has burnt out and I feel lost. I just want to eat crap all the time and I don't care. Why? Why do I do this after I was doing sooooo amazingly well? Do you have the answers? Fill me in if you do.
I really want to get back on track but keep coming up w/ "excuses."
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm going to start it as a new day. My goal for tomorrow: Drink 3 bottles of water (work out bottles). I've really been slacking on the "agua-purificada" (Shrek 4, Rumpelstiltskin anyone???) lately and definitely need to be drinking more. I drink it mostly when at the gym, but I know I need to be drinking it throughout the day.
My elbow is still bothering me. I can't extend my arm all the way without it hurting. Feels like a hot poker being forced into the end of my bicep and forearm. I'm wondering what I should do???
Ross is doing well with his collarbone injury. You can definitely see that it hurts him, especially when he tries to use it. And if he's not wearing his sling, he holds his arm closely to his side. It's amazing how a baby instinctively knows how to try and shield their body from pain. But then will run and jump around like a crazy person. :-)
Addy woke up from her nap today, complaining about her legs hurting. I told her it's because she's growing. She said "I don't want to grow anymore!" Poor baby. I'm sure that is part of the reason her legs hurt, but she also went for a very long walk today w/ my sister, Mom, and cousins. She was exhausted and took a 3 hour nap.
We had some wonderful friends over for dinner tonight. I made Shredded Beef Tacos and they were delicious! Check out the recipe; I promise you'll love them! I went to the tortilla factory downtown and bought fresh flour tortillas. They were nummy!
Speaking of "nummy," I have to wake up and go bake tomorrow. Time to go to bed!
Here's to me, getting back on track! *Cheers!*
I really want to get back on track but keep coming up w/ "excuses."
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm going to start it as a new day. My goal for tomorrow: Drink 3 bottles of water (work out bottles). I've really been slacking on the "agua-purificada" (Shrek 4, Rumpelstiltskin anyone???) lately and definitely need to be drinking more. I drink it mostly when at the gym, but I know I need to be drinking it throughout the day.
My elbow is still bothering me. I can't extend my arm all the way without it hurting. Feels like a hot poker being forced into the end of my bicep and forearm. I'm wondering what I should do???
Ross is doing well with his collarbone injury. You can definitely see that it hurts him, especially when he tries to use it. And if he's not wearing his sling, he holds his arm closely to his side. It's amazing how a baby instinctively knows how to try and shield their body from pain. But then will run and jump around like a crazy person. :-)
Addy woke up from her nap today, complaining about her legs hurting. I told her it's because she's growing. She said "I don't want to grow anymore!" Poor baby. I'm sure that is part of the reason her legs hurt, but she also went for a very long walk today w/ my sister, Mom, and cousins. She was exhausted and took a 3 hour nap.
We had some wonderful friends over for dinner tonight. I made Shredded Beef Tacos and they were delicious! Check out the recipe; I promise you'll love them! I went to the tortilla factory downtown and bought fresh flour tortillas. They were nummy!
Speaking of "nummy," I have to wake up and go bake tomorrow. Time to go to bed!
Here's to me, getting back on track! *Cheers!*
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Big projects...
Ok, so Thursday's are my weigh in days. I was dreading the scale this morning because I knew how horrible I'd been this week. I was honestly surprised to see a 1lb gain. Not the fact that it was a gain, but the fact that it was only 1 lb! eeek! I was expecting more to be honest. :-/ I can't say I'm "happy" about it...but I guess not as disappointed as I could have been? Does this make sense?
Ross is doing pretty well today. He's still "learning" that it hurts when he uses that arm to push himself up, but he's handling it well. Took 2 good naps after his horrible night of sleep. Hoping tonight is better for him. He definitely needs his rest.
Got 2 coats of primer on the wood paneling in my dining room this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll do the paint. It's looking soooo different! I love it! Now I can't wait to do the other "matching" wall in the living room.
We had some amazing....AMAZING (I must emphasize this) sunshine today!!! Stunning! Spectacular! I had my sliding glass door open to the cool breeze. When Phil got home from work, we decided we needed to get some yard work done. I didn't go to the gym. But we got dog poop picked up (gag), the grass mowed (mmmmm), and he even got the frame of our raised bed garden moved to the opposite corner of the yard! YESSS! So now the painstaking job of moving all that dirt begins! It's supposed to be nice till Saturday hoping we can get it moved in little spurts so I can get our garden going.
I can't wait to get pictures up of all the changes we have going on! I haven't been to the bookstore all week. Tomorrow is going to come all too early but I need to get my butt in gear and get down there EARLY!!!
Hoping Phil and I get to go see "Hanna" tomorrow while the babes stay w/ Gramma & Papa! Date night! Woo hoo!
Ross is doing pretty well today. He's still "learning" that it hurts when he uses that arm to push himself up, but he's handling it well. Took 2 good naps after his horrible night of sleep. Hoping tonight is better for him. He definitely needs his rest.
Got 2 coats of primer on the wood paneling in my dining room this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll do the paint. It's looking soooo different! I love it! Now I can't wait to do the other "matching" wall in the living room.
We had some amazing....AMAZING (I must emphasize this) sunshine today!!! Stunning! Spectacular! I had my sliding glass door open to the cool breeze. When Phil got home from work, we decided we needed to get some yard work done. I didn't go to the gym. But we got dog poop picked up (gag), the grass mowed (mmmmm), and he even got the frame of our raised bed garden moved to the opposite corner of the yard! YESSS! So now the painstaking job of moving all that dirt begins! It's supposed to be nice till Saturday hoping we can get it moved in little spurts so I can get our garden going.
I can't wait to get pictures up of all the changes we have going on! I haven't been to the bookstore all week. Tomorrow is going to come all too early but I need to get my butt in gear and get down there EARLY!!!
Hoping Phil and I get to go see "Hanna" tomorrow while the babes stay w/ Gramma & Papa! Date night! Woo hoo!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Ouchie #2...
Today, we had an extremely rough day!
We started off great going to Grandma's house for lunch w/ my sister and her kids. Everything was going great until Ross decided it was time to take a fabulous tumble down the full flight of stairs. I ran to the base and found him face down, screaming into the carpeted landing. For a mili-second, my mind thought "should I move him?" but the my instincts just took over and I scooped him up. He was screaming, kicking his legs, sweating and sobbing. I was sick to my stomach. My head kept telling me, "he's ok, he's ok..." So I sat with him and rocked back and forth till he calmed down for a little bit. I thought he was fine, so I figured I'd try to feed him lunch. He started screaming when I picked him up. I rocked with him a little more, got him calmed down enough to doze off. Laid him on the chair to sleep, he woke up screaming! Then that little voice said "maybe he needs to go to the hospital?" Yep, off to the ER we go.
So thankful for friends and family who do what they can to help. My sister kept my niece then my best friend met her at work to take her for the rest of the day. Also thankful that kids falling down a flight of stairs and not having any "visible" injuries is a priority in the ER! There were soooo many people in the ER I was figuring we'd be in there all day. Nope, we got right in. The doctor came in a few minutes later. I thought, at first, it was his arm/wrist. Then while picking him up, I thought it was his ribs. When the Dr. checked him out, he thought it was his shoulder. After X-rays, it was determined that he fractured his collarbone! My poor baby!
There is really nothing they can do for him but give him Motrin and a sling (if he'll wear it). I couldn't help but take pictures of him with the sling. I think it's pretty darn cute!
He was a trooper wearing it today, but wasn't using it to it's full potential. He also didn't figure out that if he uses that arm to push him self up, it's going to hurt! He spent a LOT of time cuddling with me today and that never happens! I loved it!
All in all, it was a stressful day, but I am so thankful that the only thing wrong was a broken collarbone. It could have been so much worse!!!
Also, thankful for the blankey!
We started off great going to Grandma's house for lunch w/ my sister and her kids. Everything was going great until Ross decided it was time to take a fabulous tumble down the full flight of stairs. I ran to the base and found him face down, screaming into the carpeted landing. For a mili-second, my mind thought "should I move him?" but the my instincts just took over and I scooped him up. He was screaming, kicking his legs, sweating and sobbing. I was sick to my stomach. My head kept telling me, "he's ok, he's ok..." So I sat with him and rocked back and forth till he calmed down for a little bit. I thought he was fine, so I figured I'd try to feed him lunch. He started screaming when I picked him up. I rocked with him a little more, got him calmed down enough to doze off. Laid him on the chair to sleep, he woke up screaming! Then that little voice said "maybe he needs to go to the hospital?" Yep, off to the ER we go.
So thankful for friends and family who do what they can to help. My sister kept my niece then my best friend met her at work to take her for the rest of the day. Also thankful that kids falling down a flight of stairs and not having any "visible" injuries is a priority in the ER! There were soooo many people in the ER I was figuring we'd be in there all day. Nope, we got right in. The doctor came in a few minutes later. I thought, at first, it was his arm/wrist. Then while picking him up, I thought it was his ribs. When the Dr. checked him out, he thought it was his shoulder. After X-rays, it was determined that he fractured his collarbone! My poor baby!
There is really nothing they can do for him but give him Motrin and a sling (if he'll wear it). I couldn't help but take pictures of him with the sling. I think it's pretty darn cute!
He was a trooper wearing it today, but wasn't using it to it's full potential. He also didn't figure out that if he uses that arm to push him self up, it's going to hurt! He spent a LOT of time cuddling with me today and that never happens! I loved it!
All in all, it was a stressful day, but I am so thankful that the only thing wrong was a broken collarbone. It could have been so much worse!!!
Also, thankful for the blankey!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Well, I'm embarrassed to say this, but I hurt my elbow doing Zumba this morning. I think I over-extended it? It hurts so bad when I pinch my fingers together and/or try and grab something. For example: picking a wedgie! hehe Maybe TMI, but that's the best way to describe when it hurts the worst! haha Or, picking up Ross. But it also just aches. Bummer!
I did go to Zumba class tonight and had a great time. It was much needed! I was also lucky enough to have my picture taken AFTER class tonight for my membership photo! BOOOOO!!! I wish he would have warned me and I would have at least come in early and not covered in sweat! Oh well...I'm sure there's worse pics out there...*fingers crossed*
I'm sooooo excited because I started to paint my dining room today! I forgot to take a "before" picture, but I'll be sure to document the process so you can see the difference. I can't wait to have it finished and get on to the next project: cupboards! YAY! I also can't wait for my Dad to have some extra time so he can finish my counter tops. :-) We've lived here for almost 5 years and it's finally starting get some work done. :-)
Off to take some Tylenol. And maybe an ice pack? Ugh!
I did go to Zumba class tonight and had a great time. It was much needed! I was also lucky enough to have my picture taken AFTER class tonight for my membership photo! BOOOOO!!! I wish he would have warned me and I would have at least come in early and not covered in sweat! Oh well...I'm sure there's worse pics out there...*fingers crossed*
I'm sooooo excited because I started to paint my dining room today! I forgot to take a "before" picture, but I'll be sure to document the process so you can see the difference. I can't wait to have it finished and get on to the next project: cupboards! YAY! I also can't wait for my Dad to have some extra time so he can finish my counter tops. :-) We've lived here for almost 5 years and it's finally starting get some work done. :-)
Off to take some Tylenol. And maybe an ice pack? Ugh!
I'm back!
Good Monday morning! We spent the weekend up in Birch Bay, WA and got home late yesterday evening. I wish we could have stayed one more day, but oh well! We had a fantastic time and it was so very much needed for us to get away just the 4 of us. We left later than we wanted to on Friday. Phil's work schedule changed and we ended up leaving at 2:30pm to head north. Needless to say, Seattle traffic was a b*tch! Friday afternoon, pouring rain, blah, blah, "normally" should take a person about 4 hrs or so to get to our destination. This trip took us over 6! OUCH! The kids were troopers though and we only had to stop once to eat dinner! This is a view of what it took for Ross to not scream:
He loves his big sis! :-)
We stayed at a great condo right across the road from the bay. Our balcony had a wonderful view (from a distance, but still there).
The kids were really excited to be there. They had never been to a "hotel" or anything of the sort, so it was all new. Addy thought it was weird that there was a TV in our bedroom. haha
On Saturday, we made breakfast then we went for a drive around Birch Bay. We saw some amazing houses with spectacular views! We also went and explored the beach for a little bit. Unfortunately, I didn't come prepared and Addy was the only one w/ rubber boots, so we weren't able to explore as much as we wanted to. Plus, it was extremely windy and cold!
Besides being windy and cold, it was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday! The clouds drifted off around noon and we had sunshine!
After exploring got to be too cold, we went and had lunch then went back to our condo, changed into swimming suits (yes, I said SWIMMING suits!) and went down to the pool! We were so thankful that the pools were heated to bathtub temps! It was wonderful!
We had so much fun swimming and Ross was even brave enough to jump off the edge into the pool. He LOVED it!! This makes me really anxious for summer to be here for more swimming with the kids.
We tried to stay down at the beach after dinner for the sunset, but it was just too windy and cold. So I was able to get a couple of good shots, but the sky turned pink and we enjoyed it from our condo.
We had a great time this weekend and we are looking forward to more mini vacations this summer.
Now, on to my confessional time:
Oh boy did I fall off the bandwagon this weekend! I'm pretty sure I gained 5 lbs back and I'm not even joking. We did not eat well (healthy) this weekend at all. Snacks, treats, etc...and I'm a little sad about that fact, but it's ok. I'm back on today and will work really hard so that by Thursday, I should see some loss!
I woke up this morning and did Zumba in my living room. I purchased the Zumba DVD set awhile back and I hope to get started using it again. Do you think doing Zumba twice a day will be bad? Ehhh...I'll do it this week and see where it gets me. I also figure that if I can't make it to the gym at night, at least I've got some sweat time in.
I'm going to start back onto the first 2 week program of South Beach. I went crazy this weekend and need to get back on track. So this morning, I made a yummy omelet with asparagus and lite cream cheese. It was delicious!!!
The rain is really starting to wear on me. I got a dose of sunshine this weekend, but it wasn't around for long enough. I need a FULL weekend of dry, sunny weather!!! I'm in desperate need to get my garden in order. We need to get it moved to the other corner of the yard and get it planted. I'm going to get my seeds started this week. Produce prices are killing me so I will be extra thankful for a nice garden this year! Last year was horrible!
Ok, I think this post is long enough. I hope everyone has a great day!
He loves his big sis! :-)
We stayed at a great condo right across the road from the bay. Our balcony had a wonderful view (from a distance, but still there).
The kids were really excited to be there. They had never been to a "hotel" or anything of the sort, so it was all new. Addy thought it was weird that there was a TV in our bedroom. haha
On Saturday, we made breakfast then we went for a drive around Birch Bay. We saw some amazing houses with spectacular views! We also went and explored the beach for a little bit. Unfortunately, I didn't come prepared and Addy was the only one w/ rubber boots, so we weren't able to explore as much as we wanted to. Plus, it was extremely windy and cold!
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Oh boy...what did they find? |
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A tiny crab!!! |
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Family photo! |
After exploring got to be too cold, we went and had lunch then went back to our condo, changed into swimming suits (yes, I said SWIMMING suits!) and went down to the pool! We were so thankful that the pools were heated to bathtub temps! It was wonderful!
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Being out of the pool was COLD! |
We had so much fun swimming and Ross was even brave enough to jump off the edge into the pool. He LOVED it!! This makes me really anxious for summer to be here for more swimming with the kids.
We tried to stay down at the beach after dinner for the sunset, but it was just too windy and cold. So I was able to get a couple of good shots, but the sky turned pink and we enjoyed it from our condo.
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She loves Daddy's shoes. |
We had a great time this weekend and we are looking forward to more mini vacations this summer.
Now, on to my confessional time:
Oh boy did I fall off the bandwagon this weekend! I'm pretty sure I gained 5 lbs back and I'm not even joking. We did not eat well (healthy) this weekend at all. Snacks, treats, etc...and I'm a little sad about that fact, but it's ok. I'm back on today and will work really hard so that by Thursday, I should see some loss!
I woke up this morning and did Zumba in my living room. I purchased the Zumba DVD set awhile back and I hope to get started using it again. Do you think doing Zumba twice a day will be bad? Ehhh...I'll do it this week and see where it gets me. I also figure that if I can't make it to the gym at night, at least I've got some sweat time in.
I'm going to start back onto the first 2 week program of South Beach. I went crazy this weekend and need to get back on track. So this morning, I made a yummy omelet with asparagus and lite cream cheese. It was delicious!!!
The rain is really starting to wear on me. I got a dose of sunshine this weekend, but it wasn't around for long enough. I need a FULL weekend of dry, sunny weather!!! I'm in desperate need to get my garden in order. We need to get it moved to the other corner of the yard and get it planted. I'm going to get my seeds started this week. Produce prices are killing me so I will be extra thankful for a nice garden this year! Last year was horrible!
Ok, I think this post is long enough. I hope everyone has a great day!
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