Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday weigh in day! ****Inches lost have been added!****

Good morning! I'm sitting here, eating my eggs & turkey sausage, wondering what to write about today. Oh yes, it's weigh in day! I am absolutely shocked at what the scale told me! Now...let me back up a little....

This past week has been a drag. I don't know if I'm depressed/stressed/sick or what, but I have had no motivation plus major stomach issues (I won't go into details). I haven't been to the gym all week and have been feeling really crummy. Haven't been eating well (if at all) and just plain feeling down. I've decided it's time for a detox. I need to go away for a weekend, have some "me" time and detox from everything in my body. I've been reading up on "weekend" detox programs and the general rule is: be by yourself, lots of peace and quiet, and eat a vegetarian & organic diet. Now, I just need to find a place where I can go away for a weekend by myself! :-/

Ok, back to the weigh in. I stepped on the scale this morning, dreading the "truth." And at first, I was dumbfounded! Shocked! Appalled! I thought it read *up 7 lbs!*...but once I really looked at the number and counted correctly, I'm down 3 lbs! THREE POUNDS!!! How did this happen? I didn't even work out? I ate crap! But then I remembered, I really hadn't eaten much of anything all week because I had been feeling sick. Hmmm...

So, yes, I'm down 3 lbs this week and I'm "happy" but not happy at the same time. Yes, 3 lbs is great! But I didn't work for those 3 lbs. Oh well, I gotta take it! 19 lbs down, 11 to go for my first goal of 30 lbs!

I almost forgot!!! I measured myself this morning! In one month I have lost the following:
     2 inches in my belly!
     1 inch on my hips
     1 inch from each thigh
     1 inch from each bicep
     1 inch from each calf
      *my bust...I wore a "boob smoosher" when measuring the first time...but if I were to guess, I'd say I've lost 1 inch.

I am super excited about these losses!!!


  1. YAY!!!! You're totally gonna do it way before your birthday - maybe before Allee's first birthday :)
    Detox - CLE ELUM, DUH :) You can't go this weekend because we have game night at Phipps! Of course you are more than welcome to it and get a hold of mom for their schedule. As always, if you want company and the kids to go, Anna and I would love to detox with you!!!
