Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I am shocked that my last post was on OCTOBER 3RD!!!! Where does the time go? I'm sitting here in my living room, leg propped up on a pillow, feeling pretty darned sad about life. I have been back in the "weight loss" game for about 2 months now and have YET to get serious about it. And today, just to add to my setbacks, I sprained my ankle. I am so frustrated and mad at myself!

Oh well, pitty party for one? Yes, that's me! I'm here!

All I want to do right now is EAT! I want to eat cookies, candy, popcorn, chips. And in all honesty, I probably will eat some, just not as much as I probably would have if I hadn't just typed this out.

My journey needs to start over but how do you work out with a sprained ankle? How long will it take for me to get "get back on my feet?" Ugh!

My goal this week is to check in here daily and write my thoughts down. Let me know if you're still out there, reading my sob story. I'd love to hear from you. :-)


  1. I'm still reading!!! So sorry to hear about your ankle :-( Glad Phil was able to save you but what a BUMMER! Sending healing vibes your way. I'm right there with you though, I've been "back" on the weight loss train for a few weeks and every other day I have this "who cares" attitude and I need to quit it! I'm very thankful that you share these thoughts today. Sometimes I feel like the only one! LOVE YOU!

  2. Oh Caty, you are just too sweet. Thank you for reading. We both just need to pull up our "big girl" panties and get on with it!!! You are NEVER the only one...I feel the same way sometimes and it's hard to think that way. But we are NEVER alone! :-) Love you too girlfriend!
